
force is a recourse
 of those unable to win
  the intellectual debate

Trigger article:

Back in the USSR: The Sovietization of American Life
The ordeal of Ilija Trojanov
by Justin Raimondo, October 04, 2013
  «An empire is, invariably, a tyranny, no matter how it starts out. In its efforts to extend its frontiers, and protect its conquests, the US imperium must inevitably repress those who stand against it, who question it, and who report its depredations to the world.»

Comment: @Garrett: "Our survival as a free nation is at hazard."

Me: No. For the simple reason that the US is *not* a "free nation," but a rogue-regime. The regime is not the president and/or Congress, although they play their part. It is the controlling factions of the:

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches - which are doing the damage.

@Guest: "The truth has been told.Israel has no nukes."

Me: What??! Irrespective of deliberately deceptive 'strategic ambiguity,' the:

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are more or less guilty (mostly more) - belong in this discussion, because both rogue-regimes pursue similar policies = mass-murdering for spoil.


civilize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing) 1 bring out of a barbarous or primitive stage of society. 2 enlighten; refine and educate. [French: related to *civil][POD]

civil liberty n. (often in pl.) freedom of action subject to the law.[ibid.]

Lemma: Only just law may be valid.

Mankind came down out of the African trees and spread into the world - or so one 'origin-myth' has it. Whatever; on the way, some 'rules' were developed, aka 'laws,' a 'prime' among such is "Thou shalt not kill."

@Steve H: "The Titanic will hit the iceberg."

Me: No. Go back to Garrett's "the most terrible war machine that has ever been imagined on earth;" the rogue-US emerged latest on 6&9Aug'45, the rogue-Zs latest on 29Nov'47.

Recall that force is a recourse of those unable to win the intellectual debate, and when force includes murder, then perpetrators = monster psychopaths.

Recall Newton's third law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Steve H's iceberg will not spontaneously appear; it's us, we the people who must rise up and effectively oppose the immoral and lawless US&Z rogue-regimes; but since they have most of the guns, we have to recapture the intellectual argument (reinstating the Enlightenment, see "civilize"), possibly based on some previously proven scheme - like Gandhi's, say.



[1] deceive  v. (-ving) 1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 use deceit.  deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief.  deceiver n. [POD]

[2] lie2  -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [ibid.]

[3] conspiracy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 secret plan to commit a crime; plot. 2 conspiring. [Latin: related to *conspire] [ibid.]


ELO/Os = erstwhile legal owner/occupiers

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.

MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'

neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+

PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC

ppp-dd'd = pushed-propaganda paradigm dumbed-down

PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'

SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on

the Enlightenment well summarised by liberté, égalité, fraternité

US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood

US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable

XS-CO2-C*4 = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe cliff
 (suspected only one-way = spiral-down)

Zionism (latest post-Jabotinsky, '23) = perpetual aggressive war


 criminally psychopathic
   American 'exceptionalism' kills indiscriminately

.. so Lavrov stopped ...

  .. a direct US attack on Syria ...

    .. but the proxy-mercenary slaughter continues


Everyone knows what's going on. An NED-fomented, CIA-supported alien-invasion of Syria (now with Al-Q mercenaries paid and armed by KSA, Q, imported via TR, JOR), following the same sort of "Shock'n whore" aggression on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya (and after Syria, next = Iran - ask the mad dog's tail = Netanyahu); all US can do is bomb = destroy.

Q1: Why does the world allow this US-brutality, not to mention the illegitimate entity Israel, disgustingly squatting on most of pre-UNGA181 Palestine, now 65+ years long?

Q2: Where is the effective, decent-people countervailing power?



[1] deceive  v. (-ving) 1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 use deceit.  deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief.  deceiver n. [POD]

[2] lie2  -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [ibid.]

[3] conspiracy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 secret plan to commit a crime; plot. 2 conspiring. [Latin: related to *conspire] [ibid.]


ELO/Os = erstwhile legal owner/occupiers

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.

MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'

neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+

PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC

ppp-dd'd = pushed-propaganda paradigm dumbed-down

PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'

SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on

the Enlightenment well summarised by liberté, égalité, fraternité

US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood

US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable

XS-CO2-C*4 = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe cliff
 (suspected only one-way = spiral-down)

Zionism (latest post-Jabotinsky, '23) = perpetual aggressive war