.. where are the adults ...
.. of intelligence (humour) & integrity ...
.. why is our so-called 'leadership' so incredibly bad? 
Credits: I'd like to thank BobW, both for his inspiring links (like those to GG, say), his inspiration itself - and his ironic humour.
Preamble: I have a problem with 'belief[1],' partly because of the religious component (i.e. supernatural = out of this world), and 2ndly 'belief' is the 2nd worst way of making decisions (the absolute worst being the making of decisions based on *no data at all* (see religion, loop!)) The best and only way to make worthwhile decisions (seems to me), is by basing them on *good data*, the acquisition of which is what our science is all about. Sooo, IF I don't like/won't use 'belief,' THEN 'unbelievable' becomes - inoperative.
Preamble end: Many things that could be termed 'unbelievable' might better be described as 'erroneous' - and/or 'should not occur.'
1. The biggest problem on the planet (possible exception: the plague of marauding humans) is pollution, and more specifically excess CO2-pollution; the best scientifically based projections (i.e. by our best brains, based on the best data we can acquire) - point to a coming climate-change catastrophe.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to save our once jewel-like planet. Why that?
2. IF pollution is not biggest problem on the planet THEN the plague of marauding humans certainly is, and that plague is 'led' by the US, with its vicious side-kick Israel. Due to the obvious, awesome - and utterly destructive power of the 'Israel Lobby' in the US, it is proposed by some that in fact Israel, 'the tail' actually wags the 'mad dog' US. What we have been able to see, at least since GWBush and his filthy B, B & H 'led' illegal invasions (murder for spoil), AND the arrival of the internet, is that this plague of marauding humans is actually, seemingly unopposed, both running the planet - and driving it over the climate-change cliff.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to rein these criminals in. Why that?
3. What we are told (aka propagandised) is that the US is 'fighting to make the world safe for democracy.' In actual fact, the preceding in italics was a slogan deployed by Bernays (or on his and/or his ilk's 'inspiration.') Bernays was simultaneously a propagandist and 'public relations consultant,' having morphed propaganda into 'public relations' - merely by renaming. The upshot of all this is that we the sheople, are being comprehensively, scientifically lied to, also via and actively by publicly financed broadcasters, like 'our' AusBC.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to tell us the truth. Why that?
4. It is not only the US and Israel, although they are the joint 'prime movers.' Aus is in it, both then 'under' Howard and now Rudd. Many European nations joined the so-called 'coalition of the willing' (much more accurately: the "coalition of the killing"), but some abstained or otherwise took no part. Here single out France and Germany - which have since 'reverted' to the (murdering!) norm.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to *stop* murdering for spoil. Why that?
5. The sheople are being insistently lied to, aka deliberately 'pushed propaganda paradigm' deceived and dumbed right down, effectively back to before the dawn of The Enlightenment, if not back to before the dawn of so-called 'civilisation' itself. Our so-called 'democracies' lie in smoking, crippled ruins. Our quisling/traitorous MSM including publicly financed broadcasters, our equally quisling/traitorous so-called 'representatives' are all violating their proper functions.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to do the 'right' aka 'truth and justice' thing. Why that?
6. The economy is *stuffed*. Not only is eternal growth *simply not* possible, it is the only model the economic geniuses seem to be able to conjure up. Who cares about running out of resources? Effectively no one. Then, there's so-called 'neo-liberalism,' so-called 'free markets,' the Washington consensus/IMF scam/swindles, and all the rest of the shitty globalisation *rip-off rubbish*. Add to that, as the 'crowning glory,' the bankster fraud - probably all of 300 years old - and now crashed, burning, no bottom in sight.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to set world finances on a correct, fair and sustainable footing. Why that?
7. If all that wasn't enough, what of the sheople themselves? Not 'just' dumbed-down, but deliberately miseducated (partner-choice, child-rearing, say - nothing *really* critical...) We, the sheople are on the whole denied 'single (govt.) payer' (some countries - a few - do it better); go down the 'medicine for profit' path, and you'll get the expected: more profit than medicine. Wages everywhere are being fiercely depressed - now, to the point, where the sheople have ju-u-st about run out of purchasing power - for anything other than the barest of necessities. The so-called 'normal' or 'real' economy cannot function without *demand* - killed off; the 'golden goose' is as good as gone.
Unbelievably, erroneously and/or 'should not occur:' our so-called 'leaders' are doing almost nothing, certainly not enough, so effectively nothing, to create a fair, caring and sharing system - for all. Why that?
Fazit: I could go on, but why bother? (I'm 'off' - to a barbie.)
PS (looping):
.. where are the adults ...
.. of intelligence (humour) & integrity ...
.. why is our so-called 'leadership' so incredibly bad? 
[1] belief n. 1 firm opinion; acceptance (that is my belief). 2 religious conviction (belief in the afterlife; has no belief). 3 (usu. foll. by in) trust or confidence. [related to *believe] [POD]
believe v. (-ving) 1 accept as true or as conveying the truth (I believe it; don't believe him). 2 think, suppose. 3 (foll. by in) a have faith in the existence of (believes in God). b have confidence in (believes in homoeopathy). c have trust in as a policy (believes in telling the truth). 4 have (esp. religious) faith. believable adj. believer n. [Old English] [ibid.
9 years ago
imitation, so they say ...
ReplyDelete.. is the sincerest form ...
.. of flattery, also when ...
.. it leads to mass-slaughter, assassinations ...
Obama's Animal Farm
Bigger, Bloodier Wars Equal Peace and Justice
By James Petras
May 18, 2009
«"The Deltas are psychos. You have to be a certified psychopath to join the Delta Force", a US Army colonel from Fort Bragg once told me back in the 1980's. Now President Obama has elevated the most notorious of the psychopaths, General Stanley McChrystal, to head the US and NATO military command in Afghanistan. McChrystal's rise to leadership is marked by his central role in directing special operations teams engaged in extrajudicial assassinations, systematic torture, bombing of civilian communities and search and destroy missions. He is the very embodiment of the brutality and gore that accompanies military-driven empire building. Between September 2003 and August 2008, McChrystal directed the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations (JSO) Command which operates special teams in overseas assassinations.
The point of the 'Special Operations' teams (SOT) is that they do not distinguish between civilian and military oppositions, between activists and their sympathizers and the armed resistance. The SOT specialize in establishing death squads and recruiting and training paramilitary forces to terrorize communities, neighborhoods and social movements opposing US client regimes. The SOT's 'counter-terrorism' is terrorism in reverse, focusing on socio-political groups between US proxies and the armed resistance.»
[ICH/Petras] [globalresearch/Petras]
Election? What election?
Obama is not even Bush-lite.
"Yes, we can - kill!"
Disgust. Revulsion. Leaders? What eff'n leaders?
Such so-called 'leaders' are a disgrace to the human race.
White man's hope? Nope.
Black man's hope? Nope.
Simply no hope.
America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia ...
ReplyDelete.. I don't make this stuff up ...
.. "We have nothing to fear - except fear itself" ...
.. that last bit may or may not be true, but Q: What about hope? A: Not much - if any.
America's Nightmare: The Obama Dystopia
Manipulation, propaganda, imagery & PR wizardry
By Andrew Hughes
May 24, 2009
«After 8 years of the Bush-Cheney nightmare during which we saw the wanton destruction of Afghanistan and Iraq, the cynical negation of centuries of Law designed to protect the most basic human rights and a foreign policy worthy of Genghis Khan, there came along the "Great Black Hope" in the persona of Barack Obama. The collective world consciousness turned uncritically to what was presented as a new era for peace, change and trust in Government.
Never before had one witnessed such an accomplished use of manipulation, propaganda, imagery and public relations wizardry to sell the public a man who was to take the baton from Bush and run with it in the race to destroy the economy, the rights of the people and help birth a nation totally controlled by those who have always lurked in the shadows of power. "Change" was promised and was delivered in the form of a deepening of the already Dystopic nightmare.»
[ICH/Hughes] [globalresearch/Hughes]
a new word ...
ReplyDelete.. (for me) ...
.. fustigate ...
.. why can't the AusBC report like this?
I watched the AusBC news reader (Virginia Haussegger) fulminate, and accuse N.Korea of 'provocation.'
(Yet another example of how the AusBC sets out to deceive/propagandise us, we the sheople.)
But those of us who follow such stuff know full-well, that N.Korea (like Iran - if they wanted to build a bomb, and unlike Israel, who/which has threatened the entire ME (if not the whole wide world) with their (non-Non-Proliferation Treaty!) bombs) - that N.Korea is 'deploying' any A-bombs strictly for defence:
May 26, 2009
North Korea's Second Nuclear Test
Fearful Pride
«The DPRK has made the clearest possible statement that the best defense against domination by superior powers is nuclear weaponry. The greater care with which the U.S. and Security Council Nuclear Powers approach the DPRK confirms this argument. When observing the situations of Palestine, Iraq and Iran, most of the rest of the world would concede the validity of the argument.
The policy of the U.S. is to encourage other nations to abide by the terms of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty -- and renounce nuclear weapons -- while exempting itself from it; essentially "disarm that we may more easily rule." The DPRK posture is a rejection of the US policy, and a pointed example of rebellion calling out to the rest of the world.»
As usual, one should read it all.
Yet another example of 'leadership failure' and how the AusBC is part of that failure. Boo! Hiss!