.. the UN tolerates ...
.. assists & even encourages ...
.. the equal worst rogue-regimes = US/Israel
Thesis/Subtitle: What I once disputed, I now embrace: The UN is as useless as an ashtray on a motorbike - but far more cancerous, and far, far more criminal.
Trigger article:
UN chief renews attack on Assad, amid amnesty
Updated January 16, 2012 00:42:23
«"Today, I say again to president Assad of Syria: Stop the violence. Stop killing your people. The path of repression is a dead end," Mr Ban said in a keynote address at a conference in Beirut on democracy in the Arab world.»
Comment 1: Ban's "Stop killing your people" is based on allegations which almost every report, also from those 'stenographed' by 'our' AusBC, includes text such as: "reports [by self-interested 3rd parties?] cannot be confirmed."
Comment 2: Ban's imperative dovetails into and follows the same pattern as was recently deployed vis-à-vis the rape of Libya, another 'innocent' target 'obliterated' in the same way as Iraq was, namely many innocents killed and their infrastructure destroyed by US &/ NATO in the name of 'regime-change.' As if even the pushed-propaganda paradigm dumbed-down (ppp-dd'd) sheople don't notice?
From a recent article of mine:
«The Zs' infamy may be considered to begin with Herzl (1897), then via Balfour, Jabotinsky, the alien invading terrorists = Irgun, Lehi, Stern Gang, Haganah et al., leading to the Nakba ('47/8, genocidal ethnic cleansing of Palestine) and the regular if random continuation of more of the same terrorism right down to the current moment; amongst latest outrages Gaza '08/9 (~1400 mainly civilians slaughtered), high-seas murdering piracy against the peace-fleet = Israel flotilla raid '10, live-ammunition/sniper attacks on non-violent protesters in Golan Heights, '11.
The US' infamy is longer, try starting with a list of interventions for “regime change” here, which notes 1st such in 1893 against Hawaii.
Long-story short: The list of US+Zs' depredations is as long as it is filthy.»
Comment 1: The US started its criminality long before the UN, even before the League of Nations. Both of these latter 'international organisations' were predicated on 'no more war,' both have failed. Worse, the UN assists criminality; starting no later than its cynical approval of UNGA181; the UN has utterly failed to restrain the murdering-to-steal Zionists rampant in the ME (dispossessing the hapless natives of their land/property), let alone the US rampant ditto (dispossessing other hapless natives of their oil &/ sovereign resources), across the wider world (approaching 1000 military bases, no-one is safe.)
Comment 2: The UN did not 'approve' the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the UN (via Kofi Annan) belatedly declared the invasion of Iraq in 2003 as illegal, and the UN actually 'green-lighted' the 'no-fly invasion' = rape of Libya in 2011. (Shame!) Now Syria is on the line, possibly next Iran. The US is not the world's policeman, that job is assigned to the UN - failing = corrupt. 'Bottom line' is that the UN is ineffective; the UN/Ban Ki-moon has earned no right to lecture anybody. Sooo, Ban, STFU!
Fazit: IF some agent supports/argues for an erring ideology AND that erring ideology is engaged in some crime (worst = murder for spoil; Zs for soil & US for oil) THEN that agent is a prime perpetrator, accessory or apologist, depending on degree of involvement in the crime, and that agent makes her/himself equally guilty.
Corollary: IF some agent's task is to prevent some evil AND that evil is not prevented (let alone is tolerated, worse assisted or absolute worst encouraged) THEN that agent makes her/himself equally guilty - how do you plead, UN/Ban Ki-moon?
9 years ago
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