
extreme greed
 race to bottom
  resource rip-off

.. united we can stand ...

  .. divided we'll surely fall ...

    .. how would you like to go on?

Thesis/Subtitle: whose country is it?

Concomitant: not fat-cat capitalists

Corollary: but ours, we the people


Trigger article 1:

High price for big pay packets in resources sector
 Updated October 28, 2012 12:11:09
  «The founder of mining services company Worley Parsons has backed claims high labour costs in Australia are putting billions of dollars of resources investment at risk.
He says he agrees with comments from the president of BP Australia that many resources projects are at risk because of costs.
Mr Grill told ABC's Inside Business, minerals in the developing world become more and more attractive as Australia becomes more expensive.
"There's two factors here, one's the cost of the Australian workers in Australian dollars and the second is the exchange rate," he said.
"The exchange rate has had a big effect as well, certainly when the dollar was 72 cents Australia was definitely more competitive."
Mr Grill says massive exports of Australian resources will continue, but the boom of new operations may be over.»
[ausBC/Parsons Oct 28]

Comment 1: Parsons' warning is clear; costs must come down (according to him), presumably because he thinks that the shareholders must get the maximum return possible - and shouldn't be forced to share a single bean from the resources-bonanza with anyone else; certainly not any workers.

Comment 2: Any reference to the $AU-exchange rate is laughable; it is neoliberal-creed that the exchange-rate should be free to float, and the absolute heresy-antithesis would be manipulation. Exactly what is Parsons trying to say here; that we should somehow cripple our currency? Print a few barrows-full, say, like Weimar 'back then' and currently US = QE1, 2, 3, ...? Oh, I know: Tell Swannie to stop balancing the budget; pay us all a squillion - yeah, that ort'a do it?

Comment 3: Costs could presumably come down if the workers take a pay-cut, work faster (as if some were currently bludging?) - or work longer hours, say, for the same or even fewer $s. IF workers work longer hours and/or faster, THEN there could be fewer workers for the same or even increased output, so jobs could go = resulting in increased unemployment. Bewdy!

Comment 4: Best, one assumes according to Parsons, would be a combination of all four, i.e. longer hours and working faster, by fewer workers for increasingly fewer $s overall. Not so funny, since I just happen to *know* that this is *exactly* what some obscenely fat-cat 'lady' mining-magnate wants, see next:

Trigger article 2 (repeat):

Aussies must compete with $2 a day workers: Rinehart
 By business editor Peter Ryan and staff
 Updated September 05, 2012 14:56:43
  «Gina Rinehart has used a rare video appearance to repeat her warning that Australians need to work harder to compete with Africans who will labour for less than $2 a day.» 
[AusBC/Rinehart, Sep 05]

Comment 1: She refers to 'standard' neoliberal (erring) ideology, here the 'race to the bottom' plank of 'competitivity' whereby local wages and conditions must be reduced to compete with the world's lowest pay and conditions. Makes some sense - at least, to the greediest.

Comment 2: She has been called 'the world's richest woman' - a result more due simply to being born (to the 'right' parents = heiress of Hancock Prospecting), as opposed to actually having 'worked' to 'earn' anything. Her threat: Work like a dog and exist on $2/day - or don't work at all (= get lost, if not starve to death - what should she care?)

Comment 3; Summary: $2/day is not far off the neoliberals' wet-dream wishes for us all. Consider yourself well-warned.

Comment 4: You think I'm Joe King? Well, here's some more proof:

Trigger article 3:

Coal companies to cut jobs due to royalty increase
 Updated October 14, 2012 17:12:07
  «An industry survey shows Queensland's top coal producers all plan to cut jobs and costs in response to the recently announced increase in State Government royalties.» 
[AusBC/'news' Oct 14]

Comment 1: This is totally risible; recall "Cutting off your nose to spite your face."

Comment 2: IF they cut jobs THEN they 'earn' less = idiotically self-defeating.

Comment 3: Not only that, if I understand the current MRRT correctly, then any increase in (State) royalties will be compensated for by a reduction in the (Federal) MRRT, so the miners won't see any difference. (A proposal would then see any royalty-increase 'clawed back' from the State's GST allocation, so trying some fancy royalty-grab = perfectly pointless.)

Comment 4: At the same time, IF the miners threaten to cut jobs THEN the workers will probably become fearful, and may be quite happy to work longer, harder and/or accept fewer $s.

Comment 5: IF they actually do cut jobs THEN the laid-off workers will a) starve or b) immediately offer to work for less, hoping to get their jobs back.

We see that (4) and (5) can have the same effect, namely more hours and/or lower wages. The latter may mean that the miners' families have to go on a diet, or at least occasionally 'down-shift' to cat-food. (Yum!)

Comment 6: There's a more cynical side to pressuring workers to work more for same but usually less $s:

Trigger article 4:

Blame game erupts over spate of truck crashes
 By Peta Carlyon
 Posted October 06, 2012 12:37:53
  «"We don't believe that it's engineering that's contributing to these collisions," he said.
"But certainly the heavy vehicle industry is under economic pressure to do more with less in less time and most of these are single vehicle off road, which is usually indicative of fatigue-related."
"We see one in four drivers doing transport work for retailers and their supply chains saying they have to breach driving hours each week to get the work done, to meet the commitments of the retailer, or they don't have a job," he said.
"Now that's a system that's driving people literally to their deaths, and that's a system that has to change."»
[AusBC/'news' Oct 06]

Comment 1; repeat: "driving people literally to their deaths."

Comment 2: There's more to this; as part of out-sourcing/sub-contracting, the industrial plant, here trucks, is often no longer owned by some large-ish company, but by the sub-contractor him/herself. That such plant is expensive is usually a given (exceptions include lawn-mowers, hair-cutters and hamburger-flippers), but having to mortgage the family home to buy it is a *bonus* - to the purchaser of the sub-contractor's services, i.e. lose the contract -> lose the house -> out on the street, with wife red-eyed sniffling and babies outright wailing. That's truly 'under the hammer;' pressure on the contractors here is partly their own, from a system they would hardly, freely, choose.

Comment 3: There's still more; the sub-contractor is usually alone, s/he has to negotiate with possibly very big companies. Recall the Howard/Reith et al.'s IWAs = individual work agreements; what are the chances of a fair deal with a huge company, or worse, a (mainly US, MBA-infested) multi-national? Hence "Serf Choices."

The pressure comes from multiple directions, see this one:

Trigger article 5:

Australia losing race for Asian business
 By Emily Bourke
 Updated October 23, 2012 10:21:57
  «There are some stark warnings today about Australia losing the race to stay competitive in Asia.
A survey has found Australia's innovation, competitiveness and engagement with Asia are falling behind the regional powerhouses of India and China.»
[AusBC/'news' Oct 23]

Comment: Work harder, longer, for less, you lazy bludgers! Asians will work all day and half the night, all for not much more than the smell of an oily rag!

Just one more for now:

Trigger article 6:

Exports lift gas price more than carbon tax: report
 By online business reporter Michael Janda
 Updated October 17, 2012 09:00:43
  «A report commissioned by industry groups warns gas prices on the east coast could triple due to the surge of LNG exports to Asia.
The report prepared by the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research says such gas price rises for power producers would see cost increases three times bigger than those from the carbon tax.
It says the gas price rises would be due to a potential shortage of domestic supply, despite eastern Australia's abundant gas reserves, due to much of the new production already being sold on long-term contracts to Asia.»
[AusBC/'news' Oct 17]

Comment 1: We've had 'totally risible;' this one is total madness.

Comment 2: Not just madness, but a wicked rip-off racket.

Q: What's a fair price?

A: What it costs to dig it up, plus a fair mark-up (and a fair share to the owners = us, we the people), after recouping development costs (over the full life of the project).

Q: What price are we charged?

A: What the market will bear (= the sky's the limit; or just before the user says "Stuff off; we'll do without, thank you!")

Comment 3: It illustrates the capitalist mind-set; whatever the highest they can get, all others must pay as well - or they'll leave in the ground, say.

Comment 4: It has a background; some years ago (60s, say), when Bass Straight was 1st coming 'on-stream.' The producers demanded WPP = world parity price (usually some large number, otherwise why request it?), which was agreed to - at the eventual cost (to the miners) of a *proper* PRRT = petroleum resources rent tax. I can't find an original reference, only a slightly later one. But a 'proper' resource rent tax should ensure that the true resource-owners (in Aus = us, we the Aus-people), get their fair share = (IMHO) about 100% of the proceeds, less (max.) 2* the interest-costs, and that after *reasonable* expenses = *not* executive helicopters at the drop of any random hat, say. Anything less is an *unfair rip-off*! Oh. So why don't our so-called 'representatives' ensure we get such fair conditions? Oh, again; corruption? Surely not. Oh, a 3rd.

Comment 5: It brings up another problem, redolent of "whose country is it?" - namely, who has 1st call on any resource. Here, I'm thinking of prime-beef, lobster-tails, abalone etc. - or even just fresh garden produce. Who should get 1st pick, and at what price? I have heard horror-stories, to do with beef, that Aus-producers were (probably still are) selling off some of the best bits, at a price (however slightly) higher than 'domestic,' only to see our best beef turned into hamburger-mince (only in the US, natch.) Grrr. In contrast, a few years ago, Howard was crowing about selling gas to China - large amounts, huge; ~$25bio - at a delivered price of about 1/3rd of what we were being charged at the local service-station. Work all that out?

Now, not an article but just a quote:

  «In 1992, 20 years ago, unions represented about 40 per cent of the workforce. Today only 18.4 per cent of Australia's employees are union members.» 

Comment: '92 is already 12-13 years after Thatcher/Reagan et al. declared their serious intention to completely knacker all unions. Plan going well (for them & their running-dogs), then.


Argument: Even if you've only read my extracts, you should be able to see a trend: it's all one-way. The worker must submit = reduce his/her wages and conditions - or starve. That's actually what was always behind Thatcher's TINA! The results are coming in, some have been for a while, and what we see is borderline to ruinous devastation. Fiddled statistics of US' unemployment, quoted at 8%+, is more likely ~25%, all up. Look at EU; the PIIGS + UK, BE, who else & who's next? - being forced into austerity, aka spiral-down = mass unemployment + drastically falling incomes. US medical plus anywhere else they push 'medicine for profit,' costs sky-rocketing & at least in the US, life expectancy for the 'less well off' falling. Privatised electricity prices sky-rocketing. All in all, truly a scandal.

Then, Q: Who is pushing all this? A: first, we don't know, because whoever it is stays well hidden. All I can say is M/I/C/$4a†-plex + I/J/Z-plex. The 'front wo/men' = our so-called 'representatives' are mostly smooth-talking spivs, actually puppets. See my "the prima facie conspiracy."


Fazit: Neoliberalism is an erring ideology, seemingly developed in 'think-tanks' and/or universities, certainly taught in universities, 'pushed' upon us by 'the hidden rulers,' with the connivance and active assistance of our so-called 'representatives.' Enmeshed is the (corrupt, venal, lying) MSM+PFBCs, all should a) hang their heads in shame, b) on their way to gaol - and for those who order the aggressive, war-crime invasions of foreign lands, on their way to the gallows.

Our so-called 'leaders' have sold us down the river, headed down the gurgler. There is a solution: People-power. We, the people, can overturn the crooks, freeing ourselves from tyranny, at the one stroke: 50%+1 of us must demand that *we* are to run our country, and the only way we can do that is to speak the truth amongst ourselves, and govern by the only true, popular mandate = 100% CIRs = citizen-initiated referendums.



ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.

MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'

neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+

PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC

ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down

PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'

SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on

the Enlightenment well summarised by liberté, égalité, fraternité

US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood

US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable

XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe


the prima facie conspiracy

.. what they say ...

  .. vs. what they do ...

    .. IF lies THEN criminals


Thesis/Subtitle: there are irrational conspiracies

Concomitant: like "Area 51" OR "Elvis lives!"

Corollary: but what of real conspiracies?

Lemmas - see Morality, Democracy and Criminality below.

Preamble; intent:

 - 'positive progress' ('+ve' qualification required; clarity)


 - 'every day, in every way, it's getting better and better'


 - it's obviously not, in fact the exact opposite, hence -


 - 'do unto others' (liberté, égalité, fraternité)

 - 'do no harm' (nor even threaten same)


 - deception; actual damage, intimidation = injury


 - 'psychological manipulation'

 - 'cognitive infiltration'

 - 'lying propaganda'


 - damage to people, property, our once jewel-like planet

 - 'cognitive dissonance' - *why the hell that*?


 - countervailing *force* required;

 - 'no more of the (bad) same!'

End preamble.

Disclosure: I admit that I don't know everything, but better than that, I don't (often) make exaggerated claims. But I can add up; i.e. 2 + 2 = 5, see? - Err, ooops! (To reduce possible pettifogging, one could at this point review "Quibbles.") More to the point - and this is *exactly* the point here, I can (and do) open my eyes and look - and mostly, at some *very* important things, the result that I see is not too flash (massive understatement!) IF anyone near you, affecting you, operates via deception THEN better look out! Someone is targeted for rip-off - and it behoves you, dear reader, not to let you-or-yours be a target. Who knows how much of whatever you may stand to lose?

General problem: Our planet's resources are being plundered, at an increasing, and increasingly unsustainable, rate. We, the people, are being ripped-off in the work-place, the market-place and in the social-justice sphere. Pollution, especially excess-CO2, is basically out of control. No-one (so-called 'leaders,' say), ever does much, let alone anything effective, to help.

Specific: The plundering is on purpose, consciously, by a criminal under-class, pushed partly using aggressive wars = murder for spoil = shocking, Nuremberg-class war crimes, via and by our so-called 'leaders' (altogether, the vile M/I/C/$4a†-plex plus the vilest I/J/Z-plex), for and on behalf of an already obscenely-rich <1%. The 99%+ = we, the people, are being abused both coming and going; on the one hand having benefits for the needy reduced, and on the other hand having the jobs we depend on a) shipped overseas, b) reduced on skill-level and remuneration both, and c) overall job numbers reduced = increasingly desperate unemployment (see 'prototype' = USA). The 'rising tide lifts all boats' was only ever cruel rhetoric; what we've actually had forced upon us is 'race to the bottom' wages, conditions & benefits = spiral-down (the gurgler). The pollution is treated as an un-costed external - by many clever-clogs (= idiotic) economists, but this avoidance of responsibility could end up costing us the (habitable) Earth.

Personal: I find all unfairness, destruction and waste objectionable, but the on-purpose ruining of our once jewel-like planet's comfortable-life supporting ecosphere is worse than senseless, worse than unconscionable, it's utterly and absolutely, death-penalty criminal-madness.


Trigger article 1 (warm-up):

Old Labor wounds reopened in McKew memoir
 By chief political correspondent Simon Cullen
 Updated October 26, 2012 16:28:09
  «Labor's leadership wounds have been reopened amid claims by former MP Maxine McKew that Julia Gillard was a "disloyal deputy" to former prime minister Kevin Rudd.
Ms McKew, who is a strong supporter of Mr Rudd, has used her book to criticise the way Treasurer Wayne Swan handled the mining super profits tax, which was subsequently abandoned under Ms Gillard's leadership.
It was instead replaced by a new version of the tax that did not raise any revenue in its first three months of operation.»
[AusBC/'news' October 26]

Comment 1: Delicious; as we all know, *nothing* irks Labor more than an internal attack, and as the Libs also say, "disunity is death." Amazing; who did McKew wrong? (Intended double entendre.)

Comment 2: We also know that Rudd offended the Zs over the Zs' criminal use of Aus' passports in an assassination, now we get 'another brick in the wall' = Rudd's vs. Gillard's MRRT. Interesting; do we wonder where the real power lies?

Comment 3: IF, as alleged here, Gillard has truly knackered the MRRT, then we may bid her good day.


Trigger article 2 (not just BTW):

Power bills higher than they should be: ACCC
 By Simon Frazer
 Updated October 24, 2012 13:17:05
  «The head of Australia's competition watchdog says the rules governing the setting of electricity prices are not working, and are a major factor behind a 90 per cent increase in power prices over the past five years.» 
[AusBC/'news' October 24]

Comment 1: Shocker, but basically 'what I said;' privatisation of public assets (i.e. especially essential, egalitarian, 'natural' monopolies) is outright theft.

Comment 2: Note 'rules' = regulation, vs. the 'erring-ideology' neoliberal ideal of so-called 'free' markets. Each Aus' state had a single power system, which was fractured into supposedly but only ever pseudo 'competition-units' then flogged off, essentially for peanuts. Not just outright criminality, but also outright idiocy. And we, the people are made to pay - and pay, and pay ...

Comment 3: Aside from the article, note what is happening to elec. (and other such privatised 'utilities'); neoliberal lean- & mean-ing, for-profit entities a) reduce if not eliminate any 'preventative' maintenance, leading to service reduction or lapses due to storm damage, say & etc., *plus* the injury of adding profit- and interest-charges to a formerly egalitarianly provided essential-service. 'Proof by result' = for-profit anything puts profits 1st & we the people last (think limiting-case, for-profit medicine) - monsters!

Comment 4: Privatisation in 'the West' = under the hideous US-tyranny, is basically bipartisan = un- & anti-democratic = proof of politicians' traitorous perfidy.


Trigger article 3 (aside; new (to me) terminology = 'cognitive infiltration'):

"Conspiracy Theories" and government infiltration
  «Sunstein co-authored a 2008 paper with Adrian Vermeule, titled "Conspiracy Theories," dealing with the risks and possible government responses to false conspiracy theories resulting from "cascades" of faulty information within groups that may ultimately lead to violence.
Sunstein and Vermeule also analyze the practice of recruiting "nongovernmental officials"; they suggest that "government can supply these independent experts with information and perhaps prod them into action from behind the scenes," further warning that "too close a connection will be self-defeating if it is exposed."»
[wiki/Sunstein/cognitive infiltration]

Comment 1: Brrr. This item is 'open to interpretation.'

Comment 2: 'Cognitive infiltration' is what is done in some reader-comments, specifically those presenting 'pro-establishment' (aka IMHO largely criminal) points of view, by whom I call 'internet-trolls.' The absolute worst of such trolls are the filthily lying hasbarah-ists, next in line for disparagement the r-whingers, then any Labor traitors. Recalling that it is not who says, but what is said, the labels are assigned retrospectively based on content.

Comment 3: One thing is clear; this 'infiltration' article illustrates that not only are we the people lied to, we are lied to both by design and with malice-aforethought. Well; most already knew that?


Trigger article 4 (serious):

Dispelling The Myth: Taxes And Job Creation By Robert Emerick & David Rommereim 24 October, 2012
  « ... even with the Great Depression and WWII debt, and, even with the added post-war cost of the Marshall Plan, the GI Bill, and the Eisenhower Federal Interstate Highway System, and, on top of all that, the additional expense of the Korean War, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War, the Federal debt actually went DOWN 69.1% between 1946 and 1971! What’s more, from 1946 to 1971 we had lower unemployment, much lower deficits, and higher real private sector growth. And we had all this prosperity and economic strength with higher tax rates on the wealthy.
[from the end of a table:]
Federal debt: From 1946 to 1971 WENT DOWN 69.1%; From 1972 to 2011 WENT UP 167.5%»
[countercurrents/Emerick & Rommereim, my emphasis]

Comment 1: 1971 was when Nixon oversaw the 'bankrupting' of the US, going off the gold standard, killing-off Bretton-Woods and introducing the fiat-$US.

Comment 2: Although this article/snip may imply a continuous deficit-growth from '71, it's not that simple; Reagan did change the US from the world's biggest creditor to ditto debitor, Clinton reversed the trend (at the same time unleashing bankster-chaos by repealing Glass–Steagall), then the deficits began to grow again under GWBush and continue to worsen under Obama.

Comment 3: After Nixon (and Carter) came Thatcher's TINA and Reagan's voodoo economics, aka neoliberalism + globalisation - the system actively forced upon most of 'the West' and much the rest of the world (excepting places like Aus, whose (corrupt) politicians neoliberalise without being visibly forced, let alone having valid mandates); recall Perkins' "Economic Hit Man," [whenever I hear IMF/SAPs, entsichere ich meinen Browning!] - then see next...


Trigger article 5 (serious):

The Globalization of NATO New Book by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya By Global Research October 09, 2012
  «The book from the outset examines the economic dimension of NATO’s military undertakings, how the latter support the imposition of deadly macroeconomic reforms on sovereign countries. War and globalization are intricately related. Economic globalization under the helm of Wall Street and the IMF is endorsed by a global military agenda.
Nazemroaya explores how dominant economic interests are supported by the “internationalization” of NATO as a military entity, which has extended its areas of jurisdiction from the European-North Atlantic region into new frontiers. “The Globalization of NATO” endorses and sustains the Worldwide imposition of neoliberal economic doctrine.»
[globalresearch/book review (spotted on whatreallyhappened)]

Comment 1: Brrr indeed!

Comment 2: Framing; for "jurisdiction" substitute "tyranny."

Comment 3: Framing; IF the book truly "endorses and sustains" destructive neoliberalism + globalisation THEN I am totally anti- the book. However, I expect (and hope) that this is a problem with the wording of the review; meant is the process documented, not the book itself.


Argument: "Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war."

The military order Havoc! was a signal given to the English military forces in the Middle Ages to direct the soldiery (in Shakespeare's parlance 'the dogs of war') to pillage and chaos.


Argument summary; what we can observe:

1. People - being sent down the road to serfdom.

2. Money - concentrated into the <1%.

3. War vs. peace; war is criminally 'winning.'

4. Environment - is being 'severely compromised.'

To these observations, we may apply 'proof by result' = a lot of bad news, aided and/or caused by a lot of bad perpetrators - including many/most of our so-called 'leaders.'


Musing: Once there was a thing called "The Enlightenment," which was held to be a big part of humanity's desired direction. After WW2, the UN was established to banish war - but was co-opted by the forces *for* war = murder for spoil, latest with the passage of UNGA181 in 1947. The post WW2, post-Vietnam 'peace-bonuses' have been squandered, the world returned to an active, criminal war-footing, and "The Enlightenment" put into reverse.


Argument conclusion: IMHO, no majority of voters in their right (fully and honestly informed) mind would choose our current world. More 'proof by result' = the world we now have has been foist upon us, by people *not* informing us = plans executed in secrecy, and since the result of these plans = we, the people are being ripped-off, it amounts to crimes against us, and against the (proper) functioning of democracy. Refer to the definition of conspiracy[2].


Fazit: Since the criminal perpetrators will not voluntarily cease their vile depredations, what we *desperately* need is, as mentioned in the preamble, some effective countervailing *force*, and certainly 'no more of the (wicked) same!'

Q: Where is this effective countervailing force hiding, and why?



Morality (opinion; the distinction between right and wrong):

Primary; "Do unto others ... " is both necessary and sufficient; 'enlightened altruism' works in any size group, providing most members unite to 'enforce' it.

Auxiliary; "Do no harm" - to others.

Discussion: Morality is an individual's internal compass - how one *should* behave. Psychopaths excepted, it only makes sense to respect - including never harming - all others. (To harm only one's self is, IMHO, an inviolable personal freedom.)

Corollary: Whereas morality per se may not be subject to legislation, all (non-self) harm is criminal - and should be prosecuted and proportionally punished. Prevention, of course, is to be preferred.

End morality lemma, «back»


Democracy: Only "of, by, for the people" may be a 'proper' democracy.

1. It is easy to prove that 'our' democracies (Anglo = US, UK, Aus etc., Judaic = IL, 'the West' adds D, F and other SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on) - are sham; of three pre-requisites (fully and honestly informed voters, sufficiently wide choice of candidates, elected representatives who implement the will of the majority while protecting minorities) - we fail all three.

2a. It is easy to see that we have no worthwhile 'rule of law,' since we are being forced into the erring-ideology 'neoliberalism' economic regime, using all sorts of threats/coercion, *by* (or with the active connivance *of*) our so-called leaders. The offence here is the deliberate transfer of wealth to the <1% - which is an injury = crime against all the rest of the 99%+.

2b. As for individual countries, so for the UN, whose founding purpose was to prevent war, it dismally has not - in fact quite the opposite - from UNGA181 (1947, subsequent improper dispossession of Palestinian land/property via genocidal methods - thanks, but "No, thanks!" to the aggressively invading Zionists), down to 2001-present = ditto aggressive, mainly US plus their SQSHsO invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria (current moment), Iran (probably next in the US' target-list), eventually even Russia and/or China.

Fazit: IF no proper democracy THEN sham; offending reps into gaol.

Corollary: Only just law may earn respect!

End democracy lemma, «back»


Criminality: IF harm (also threat) THEN criminal = self-evident.

Corollary: IF lie THEN likely criminal.

Thesis: Lying is a pre- & post-requisite to crime; lies are deployed to deceive, deception is done with malice-aforethought and after any crime, the perpetrators must lie about the crime, even if only to avoid self-incrimination. There is (almost) no such thing as a 'harmless' lie.

Exception: Theoretically, 'harmless' lies may exist, IF so THEN perfectly pointless, so why would anyone ('normal' = non-psychopathic) lie?
Aside/extra: See lemmas 1-4 at beginning of my criminal hypocrisy article and from "[3] (Opinion:)" in same article (for convenience repeated below).

Fazit: IF lie AND harm (actual &/ threat) THEN criminal, into gaol.

End criminality lemma, «back»


Criminality (extended):

Lemma 1:

Criminality may be defined as doing harm, either to someone else's body, property or mind.

Corollary (opinion): Self-harm, even suicide, is an individual person's *right*. If self-harm has some '$-societal-cost' then society may have some right to demand $-recompense - but *never* to interfere with personal rights.

A 'minimalist' crime-list: Lying, cheating, stealing or killing.

Corollary: Threatening harm is also a crime.

Proof: That harm is criminal should be obvious, and threatening harm causes fear &/ anxiety - which is also harm, to the psyche.

Lemma 2:

One (non-trivial) lie destroys *all* credibility.

Proof: IF someone lies *once*, THEN they may do so *again* - at any time, and how would anyone know?

Corollary: *All* lies are damaging; even so-called 'trivial' lies[3] are deployed to deceive[4].

Lemma 3:

Lying is a necessary and sufficient entry into criminality.

Proof: *Because* lies are deployed to deceive, the liar either intends harm, if not already having caused harm.

Corollary: Criminals *must* lie - if only to avoid self-incrimination.

Lemma 4:

IF some crime THEN any number, and especially all 'lesser' crimes are then 'easy,' as mere bagatelles.

Proof: Self-evident; sample = "Shock'n whoring" of Iraq (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria ...), and end lemmas.

Objection: That not all crimes are prosecuted is a corrupt-scandal; that not all crimes are 'correctly' legislated against is a negligence-scandal - and that some non-crimes are 'incorrectly' legislated against is a criminal-scandal - all such scandals are proof of *tyranny*.

Only just law may earn respect!

End criminality (extended) lemma, «back»



[1] prima facie
adjective & adverb  Law based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise: [as ADJ.] a prima facie case of professional misconduct | [as ADV.] the original lessee prima facie remains liable for the payment of the rent.
ORIGIN Latin, from primus ‘first’ + facies ‘face’.

[2] conspiracy  n. (pl. -ies) 1 secret plan to commit a crime; plot. 2 conspiring. [Latin: related to *conspire] [POD]

[3] lie2  -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [ibid.]

[4] deceive  v. (-ving) 1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 use deceit.  deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief.  deceiver n. [ibid.]


Quibbles: My arguments are often presented in the form:

Posit: IF p THEN q.

Possibly some discussion, ending with:

Proof: Statement/QED.

But time is fleeting = some short-cuts may be taken. Generally, I look at 'means, motive, and opportunity' + modus operandi, the oh, so obvious cui bono, and use a subset of Sherlock Holmes' ideas (i.e. eliminate the impossible) and Occam's Razor (rough analogue to KISS) - also loosely, 'balance of probabilities.' New here is 'proof by result;' more formalism on which perhaps, in some future post.

Further, when I say "all" I may mean not exactly 100% but almost all = 95% say, plus or minus a small few %s; formally within some confidence interval at a reasonable confidence level = the average plus/minus so many standard deviations, i.e. not quite exact - but good enough for the argument's sake.

End by requesting 'no frivolous quibbles please;' «back»



ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.

MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'

neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+

PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC

ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down

PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'

SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on

the Enlightenment well summarised by liberté, égalité, fraternité

US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood

US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable

XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe


the andromeda strain
 odourless, swift, silent
  - guaranteed effective!

.. like Mortein ...

  .. just one whiff ...

    .. and they're gone


It's a bit like Shakespearian drama,

Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

*Not* feverishly slaving away but coolly, calculatingly formulating then testing each new solution; zeroing in on the final 'product' - and then, success! To be cultured, concentrated and packaged, to be released upwind of 'known concentrations;' the 'product' is universally infectious - but only proceeds to the unique and unstoppable 2nd-stage effects - if/when a certain gene is present in the 'human' host. The gene that one of the team had isolated, not so long ago - but the gene responsible for a certain pathology, namely psychopathic lying, cheating, theft and murder. At 1st, the symptoms are not unlike 'the sniffles,' itself not at all odd because the vector is based on a particularly prevalent picornavirus. Then the target's organism slips further into an irreversible 'slough of despond' - becoming listless, careless, and above all else, tired. Infinitely tired; the only possible reaction is to seek out a slightly less uncomfortable pose, to doze fitfully before finally going completely comatose. The obvious follows, 'mercifully' sooner rather than later.

"No submarine crews responding, Sir!"

"No air force crews responding, Sir!"

"No missile crews responding, Sir!"

And so the greatest scourge and threat to humankind was wiped from the pages of history. Never to be mourned, let alone missed - Oh no, not for the tiniest part of a pico-sec.


criminal hypocrisy
 occurs when what they say
  differs markedly from what they do

.. lies & secrecy ...

  .. are mortal enemies ...

    .. of any *proper* democracy

Thesis/Subtitle: criminals *must* lie

Concomitant: or self-convict

Corollary: gaol them!


Lemma 1:

Criminality may be defined as doing harm, either to someone else's mind, body or property[3]. A 'minimalist' crime-list: Lying, cheating, stealing or killing.

Corollary: Threatening harm is also a crime.

Proof: That harm is criminal is obvious, and threatening harm causes anxiety (at the very least) - which is also harm, to the mind.

Lemma 2:

One (non-trivial) lie destroys *all* credibility.

Proof: IF someone lies once, THEN they may do so again - at any time, and how would one know?

Corollary: *All* lies are damaging, even so-called 'trivial' lies[1] are deployed to deceive[2].

Lemma 3:

Lying is a necessary and sufficient entry into criminality.

Proof: *Because* lies are deployed to deceive, the liar either intends harm, if not already having caused harm.

Corollary: Criminals *must* lie - if only to avoid self-incrimination.

Lemma 4:

IF some crime THEN any number, and especially all 'lesser' crimes are then 'easy,' as mere bagatelles.

Proof: Self-evident; sample = "Shock'n whoring" of Iraq (Afghanistan, Libya, Syria ...), and end lemmas.

Note: That not all crimes are prosecuted is a corrupt-scandal; that not all crimes are 'correctly' legislated against is a negligence-scandal - and that some non-crimes are 'incorrectly' legislated against is a criminal-scandal - all such scandals are proof of *tyranny*.

Only just law may earn respect!


Trigger article 1:

Westerwelle calls for restraint from Turkey and Syria
  «"It's unacceptable that weapons are being delivered to the Syrian regime," Westerwelle said, though he added that Turkey should avoid any excessive "provocations." The German foreign minister concluded that "nobody should now throw fuel on the fire and escalate the situation."» 

Comment 1: 'Diplomat' is often a fancy name for *liar* - read on.

Comment 2: Normally we don't 'do' ad hominems, but I have it on good authority that Westerwelle is widely referred to as Pickel-Gesicht = pimple-face, as a *deliberately disrespectful act of slighting*. We don't wonder why. And the ad hominems could get worse (About 413,000 results). Nothing (much) personal, some of my best friends ...

Comment 3: Note that there are lies of commission and omission, the latter being when important details are omitted. Then ('sauce for the goose'); IF it were wrong (= "unacceptable") for Russia to arm the (legitimate) Syrian govt. (as Westerwelle alleges but I say not), THEN why is it not similarly wrong for 'the West' to arm the (illegitimate) subversives - even going so far as to import (al-Qaeda and other associated) villains, *via Turkey*? The pungent whiff of hypocrisy, overlaid by cordite fumes - provided to 'rebels' by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Comment 4 (important!): Westerwelle is 'briefed' by the German BND, itself in the CIA's pocket (Germany remains *occupied* by the US). As so briefed, he knows far more than we ('outside observers') ever can. For him to contradict *what is plainly occurring* = aggressive invasion with intent to smash Syria by US/NATO using imported mercenaries and arms, makes Westerwelle's lies not just 'accidental' but cynically, *deliberately* criminal. Of course, as D-FM, he gets his example direct from the US-source = Mme Clinton. The most important thing to remember is: Do harm, go to gaol!

Trigger article 2:

Western spies get discreetly involved in Syria
  «"The US intelligence agency CIA has been active for months, mainly in Turkey," he told DW. "The intelligence agencies that brought about the fall of the Gadhafi regime in Libya are now at work in Syria," Schmidt-Eenboom added.» 

Comment 1: The verb is wrong: Not 'get' but 'have been' all along.

Comment 2: Nothing 'discreet' about mass-murder; threatening it, encouraging it - or even as if reported here, merely enabling it. Murder is murder; the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and probably ASIO et al. all do it, plus their multitudinous 'bagatelles.' See 'Operation Ajax,' say.

Comment 3: 'Arming rebels' is a fancy name for *aggression*.

Comment 4: Much worse: US/NATO/Zs have *no* rights to smash any country. Yet they have done, are doing, and don't intend to stop - Iran next for sure, Russia and China 'if/when they can.' The *REALLY BIG Q* is why does the (decent) rest of the world not effectively resist these country-smashing (Zs = country-stealing) criminals?

Trigger article 3:

Libya report probes 'war crimes' and Gadhafi's death
  «"The evidence suggests that opposition militias summarily executed at least 66 captured members of Gadhafi's convoy in Sirte," Gadhafi's home town, said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch (HRW).
Referring to one of Gadhafi's sons, Bouckaert said: "It also looks as if they took Mutassim Gadhafi, who had been wounded, to [the port city of] Misrata and killed him there."
"Our findings call into question the assertion by Libyan authorities that Moammar Gadhafi was killed in crossfire, and not after his capture," Bouckaert said.»

Comment 1: Those 'paying strict attention' will already know that smashing Libya was a filthy, NATO (US/Z,EU) Nuremberg-class war crime. Not even odd, that we only start to hear(read) the worst, mostly *after* the evil deed is done.

Comment 2: Gaddafi's Libya *had* Africa's highest HDI. Gone forever, thanks, but "No, thanks!" to US/Z/EU's disastrous neoliberalism; imposed *this time* at the point of guns/bombs (for 'other times' see Greece, Spain etc., current).

Comment 3: At a rough guess, HRW is trying to 'claw back' (detested US-speak; spit!) - some credibility, but as a known corrupt NGO, it's 'out' - for discriminating moralist/truth&justice seekers, at the very least.

Trigger article 4:

Turkey ‘Admits’ Russian Air Cargo Legal
Topic: Turkey Grounds Syrian Plane
MOSCOW, October 18 (RIA Novosti)
  «“The Turkish side does not in principle question the legitimacy of the cargo that was seized but is unhappy with the transportation notification procedure,” spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said.
“Our Turkish partners have now effectively retracted the initial allegations that there was ammunition on board,” he added.»
[RIA Novosti/October 18]

Comment 1, Q: Big surprise? A: No.

Comment 2: Always the same (lying) ruse; but the 'rubes' seem to 'swallow' it every time. Idiots, or 'just' terminally ppp-dd'd?

Comment 3: Notice this form of 'diplomatic speech' = conciliatory. This tells us that Russia is under extreme pressure - from you know whom.


Argument: As one starts down life's road, one knows SFA = absolutely nothing, then gathers what facts one wants or might need, often willy-nilly. A function of parents in particular, and society in general, is to 'streamline' this education process. Obviously, GIGO = garbage-in, garbage-out; IF the parents, the schools or the 'news-gate-keepers' = MSM are a) not fully up-to-speed themselves or b) are not 101% truthful, THEN the education process may be crippled.

Only fully & fairly informed voters may make rational voting choices; only so-resulting representatives may claim a mandate. The conclusion here should be obvious.


Fazit: No mandate = illegitimate exercise of power = criminals at 'work.'

Corollary: Where is the (effective!) 'loyal opposition?'



[1] lie2  -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]

[2] deceive  v. (-ving) 1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 use deceit.  deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief.  deceiver n. [ibid.]

[3] (Opinion:) Self-harm, even suicide, is an individual person's *right*. If self-harm has some '$-societal-cost' then society may have some right to demand $-recompense - but *never* to interfere with any person's rights.

Proof: The parents of a child have *no* ownership, only a responsibility to start the new one down life's road, to the best of the parents' ability. IF the parents have no ownership, THEN certainly *no 3rd* could ever presume to have any such.

Corollary: Extending 'individual rights,' in a *proper* democracy, individuals surrender some powers to 'representatives' - whose task is to 'organise' society, attempting to maximise human happiness - say. IF some different aim THEN it should be a) formalised = written down then b) legitimised = by fully & fairly *informed* referendum. IF "All politicians lie!" THEN into gaol with the filthy lot - and start again.

Reverse engineering: *No* proper representation = *no* right to impose taxation. IF no right, THEN taxation = theft.

Further: *No* proper representation = *no* right to go to war; *all* leaders participating in the illegal US wars are war criminals = outright murderers. Tumbrels!



ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.

MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'

neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+

PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC

ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down

PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'

SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on

the Enlightenment well summarised by liberté, égalité, fraternité

US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood

US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable

XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe


German butchers
 Turkish aggressors
  No 'rule of law' there

.. scalpels ...

  .. shellings ...

    .. barbarians


The German parliament is moving towards 'legalising' assault (circumcision = actual bodily harm) on babies.

Some Germans pointed out that cutting pieces off tiny penises (in the J-case, about one-week-old babies), is *actual bodily harm* = assault. In order to *appease* Js (and some others = Muslims), the German parliament will 'legalise' this assault. On whose behalf, the mutilated babies? Those who (at such a tender young age) could never give 'informed consent?'

"The Turkish parliament gave the government the green light to use military force if necessary against one-time ally Syria."

Me: The Turks are partly *responsible* for any 'border-trouble' with Syria. They *had* a policy of being friendly to their neighbours, including lots of trade with Syria. Thanks, but "No, thanks!" to (supposed, what else) US coercion, the Turks have become just another snivelling quisling sycophantic hanger-on.

Turkey has been aiding the (US/NATO, driven partly by Zs) invasion of Syria, including allowing (= encouraging) transit of al-Qaeda subversives from Libya and Iraq etc., and arms from Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The UN does *nothing* to stop this Nuremberg-class war-crime.

The people involved here, Germans and Turks and the UN = Ban Ki-moon, are butchers, aggressors and outright *criminals*.


Parliaments that pass bad laws (only just law may earn respect!) - make themselves *outlaws* = un- & anti-democratic *criminals*. Such tyrants are ruining our world - tumbrels!


what we do know: the world is being ripped off by criminals
 what we don't know: where is the countervailing force
  - and why is it *still* inactive?

.. we've got *big* problems ...

  .. like preserving human habitat ...

    .. yet the US/Zs' aggressive wars distract

Thesis/Subtitle: the 'free' market rules, OK?

Concomitant: but IF market is crooked

Corollary: THEN ripoff is assured


Preamble: I've been 'screeching' for years, to no apparent avail; as just a single blogger (naturally, also with a few mates, us amongst ~100mio such), I/we can see the problems, and can envisage the ghastly potential consequences. The tendency to population excess was recognised latest 1972 ("Limits to Growth") and increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration has been measured since latest 1956 (Mauna Loa), then see Greenhouse gas. Add the threat of 'peak oil' and the outlook for our once jewel-like planet and its comfortable life-supporting biosphere is dim indeed. Where are all those, (presumed) *smarter* than we, those who could step in and help, and why are they sooo silent?

The obvious counter-question arises; Q: Where are our so-called 'representatives' in all of this?

There's a mixture here; deliberate. To criminality, war and rip-offs, interspersed with deadly pollution, add democracy, namely the perversion thereof, and lies, filthy, always *deployed to deceive*, lies almost everywhere one looks - something for everyone, we like to say.

End preamble.


Trigger article:

Heckler ejected as Howard sings China's praises
 By Nicola Gage
Posted October 02, 2012 23:47:12 | Updated October 03, 2012 09:45:16
  «Mr Howard was greeted by loud applause as he arrived to give the inaugural Sir John Downer Oration at Adelaide University.
But the cheerful mood did not last long, with a man interrupting his speech only seconds in.
"You're a war criminal," yelled the man, who was then escorted out by security
[my emphasis].
Mr Howard used the lecture to support Chinese investment in Australia and also backed the Gillard Government's agreement with Washington to rotate US Marines through Darwin.
"China could well end up with the largest economy in the world, but it will be anything but the richest.
"In my view, pressure for more democracy in China will grow. I find it difficult to accept the growing economic liberalism will continue to walk hand in hand with political authoritarianism.»

Comment 1; Q: Why Howard? A: Nothing is simple; read on.

Comment 2: Howard is - at least IMHO, when not in actual fact - a war criminal. As part of B, B & H and "Shock'n whore" = the aggressive invasion of Iraq = Nuremberg-class war crime, with Howard actively contributing to the lies with his totally unfounded "people-shredder" allegations, say, that only one amongst the multitude of other vile (non-existent WMD) lies.

Lemma: No worthwhile program ever tries to 'hide' behind lies.

Comment 3: Howard "... support(s) Chinese investment" = FDI, whereby foreigners 'invest in' = buy up parts of Aus, same as the Libs and Labs support FDI = bipartisan = un- & anti-democratic. FDI a) results in profits leaving the country = poor us, we the people - getting ever poorer, and b) *totally* unnecessary, see Brown, What a government can do with its own bank: The remarkable model of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Lemma: IF outside expertise/entrepreneurs desired THEN hire same as consultants perhaps, BUT *never* 'sell the farm' = else all (future) is lost.

Summary in a nutshell: The central government, via the central bank, *can* and *should* be the exclusive source of all money, all interest charged accruing back to us, we the people, via our representative government - else (by banksters et al.) ripped off.

Comment 4: Howard's "but it will be anything but the richest" = gratuitous insult towards Aus' most important trading partner = idiot Howard (nothing new here; move on).


Argument: Again, what we know: That Zs are murdering for spoil (soil) = illegitimate Israel squats on stolen land/property = ethnically-cleansed of ELO/Os by genocidal methods (see my "... is this man a con-man, a crook or outright crazy?") That the US is murdering for spoil (oil; "Shock'n whoring" Afghanistan, Iraq, with F+UK/NATO into hapless, previously Africa's highest HDI Libya, currently with Al-Qaeda 'associates' into Syria and Iran in the queue), plus hegemony mainly against Russia, China but also against all the rest of us, and always 'helping' its illegitimate sprog IL - the criminal-list is astounding.

Thanks latest to Perkins' "Economic Hit Man," we know that the IMF is a villain, a 'stalking horse' for US economic hegemony, part of the so-called "Washington Consensus" - which is used to rip whole countries off. When I heard Mme Merkel include the IMF into her 'helping' poorer EU countries 'recover' strategy, I knew what was up = those countries' economies were being scheduled for 'down the drain' rip-offs = the actual result of austerity + privatisations = theft. Neoliberalism is an erring-ideology; see my "all care but no responsibility," say.


Fazit: I can see the problems, and the problems are a) real and b) serious. Proof is the condition of the masses in the US itself; basically static wages with continually reducing conditions, plus 'medicine for profit' = profit before all else (i.e. almost no good health outcomes for the 'less well off'). Thatcher's TINA and Reagan's voodoo economics worked only so far as to make the already rich fat-cat <1% obscenely richer. *That* wouldn't matter (= no 'wealth envy'), *except* that it's on the backs of not just the poorer, but *all* of us, we the people = the 99%+. Add the illegal, *monstrous* wars for spoil as distraction - and our world is heading for, being pushed by greed and outright criminality - over the XS-CO2-CCC-cliff.

Not good; where are our potential rescuers?



[1] lie2  -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive.  give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]

[2] deceive  v. (-ving) 1 make (a person) believe what is false; purposely mislead. 2 be unfaithful to, esp. sexually. 3 use deceit.  deceive oneself persist in a mistaken belief.  deceiver n. [ibid.]



ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers

I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology

M/I/C/$4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament); $ = banksters, 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.

MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'

neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+

PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC

ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down

PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'

SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on

the Enlightenment well summarised by liberté, égalité, fraternité

US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood

US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable

XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe