.. classic ...
.. divide and rule ...
.. no hope for utter idiots
Trigger article:
Syrian delegates storm out of Tehran summit
Updated August 30, 2012 21:45:07
«Mohammed Morsi is the first Egyptian leader to visit Iran since relations between the countries soured after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
He used the summit to launch a stinging attack on the Syrian government, a key ally of Iran.
He said Syrian president Bashar al-Assad was leading an oppressive regime and that countries had an ethical duty to support the Syrian opposition in their revolution.
"Our solidarity with the struggle of the Syrian people against an oppressive regime that has lost its legitimacy is an ethical duty as it is a political and strategic necessity," he said.»
Comment 1: The US, one of its SQSHsO = Turkey (part Muslim) along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar (Arab/Muslims) are providing actual material aid to the 'rebels' attacking the *legitimate* Syrian government of president Bashar al-Assad.
Comment 2: The friends of my enemies are - also my enemies, where 'my' here = Assad.
More from same:
«The Syrian delegation is reported to have stormed out during his speech, though that has been denied by Iran's official media.
Syrian foreign minister Walid Muallem later accused Mr Morsi of using his speech to incite further bloodshed.
He said the speech amounted to "interference in Syria's internal affairs and... incites continued bloodshed in Syria".»
Comment 1: The ultimate responsibility for the continued bloodshed in Syria, along with the destruction of cities, murder and disruption to the population = terrorism, is split between the perpetrators = those who pull the triggers, shoot the RPGs etc., and the rogue-regimes which a) subvert the population in the 1st place (US-NED&Co), b) provide the impetus (US-inspired groups including Syrian expat pretenders = "the day after" idiots), c) provide the weapons (Saudi Arabia and Qatar), d) provide the bases and access for the introduced, external mercenary-thugs (Turkey) and e) those who organise, coordinate, provide training & 'expertise' = mainly the US but also UK and possibly France. Germany is one of "the day after" idiots.
Comment 2: It is known that the US+SQSHsO supported attack on Syria is prelude to an attack on Iran; all is in the name of US-hegemony, US oil-rip-offs - and 'protection' of the illegitimate, Zionist entity Israel. 'Protection' is in quotes because Israel is the foremost aggressor in the ME, whilst squatting on stolen land/property.
Fazit: As long as Arab/Muslims remain divided, they will be ruled by US/Zs. It's just as simple as that - which makes the behaviour of 1.5bio Arab/Muslims *really* stupid.
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
Mohammed Morsi
is a traitorous imbecile
but only one of 1.5 billion
economic rationalism
a confected, erring ideology
designed to rip us, we the people off
.. both Lib & Lab ...
.. push rotten neoliberalism ...
.. bipartisan = un- & anti-democratic
Thesis/Subtitle: candidates 'loose with the truth'
Concomitant: reps who fail to represent us
Corollary: our democracy is criminal
Trigger article 1:
Don't dream it's over: Reserve upbeat on economy
By business editor Peter Ryan
Updated August 21, 2012 14:33:00
«The Reserve Bank has forecast that the resources boom will continue for the next few years, countering suggestions that it has already peaked.
In the minutes from its August meeting released today, the RBA said resource investment would "continue rapidly over the next year or so, broadly in line with expectations."
However, in a reality check the RBA has pointed to the boom's "eventual decline", but expects the fallout to be offset in "a ramp-up in resource exports" as projects are completed.
The RBA has also signalled a recovery in non-mining parts of the economy which have been hurt by the multi-speed nature of resource investment.
The minutes refer to "a gradual strengthening in some parts of the non-resource economy that had been relatively weak."»
[AusBC/'news' August 21, 2012]
Comment 1: Never believe anything - till it's officially denied?
Comment 2: resource investment - FDI = profits go o/s
Comment 3: eventual decline = unsustainability
Comment 4: gradual strengthening - why?
Trigger article 2:
Mining boom alive and well, says Emerson
Posted August 26, 2012 14:20:15
«Craig Emerson hits back at claims the mining boom is grinding to a halt, saying Australia is "not even halfway through" it.»
[AusBC/'news' August 26, 2012]
Comment 1: He has to say something like this, doesn't he?
Comment 2: "not even halfway through" = admission of unsustainability.
Comment 3: At least Lab's MRRT is trying to 'claw-back' then bank some of the (temporary) bonanza, a bit like saving for retirement - in this case, when the mining boom turns to bust (as all booms do).
Trigger article 3:
Mining boom has years to run: report
By Samia O'Keefe and staff
Posted August 27, 2012 10:02:25
«A report by an economic forecaster predicts investment in non-mining industries will not increase until there is less activity in the resources sector.
The BIS Shrapnel report found any weakening in mining investment is still at least another three years away, and that will help the nation's economy grow by 3 per cent each year over the next few years.
The firm's chief economist Frank Gelber say other industries are only achieving growth by cutting costs, but that will eventually change.
"As mining projects start to peter out, other projects will come through to take their place, non-mining investment in particular will come through," he predicted.
"I think interest rates now are already low enough to stimulate a housing recovery in those states where there's a housing shortage, and I would include WA amongst that."»
[AusBC/'news' August 27, 2012]
Comment 1: Again, the "three years away;" odd to be so exact.
Comment 2: "achieving growth by cutting costs" = 'competitivity' = reducing workers' wages and conditions.
Comment 3: "non-mining investment in particular will come through" - why?
Comment 4: "to stimulate a housing recovery" - people need $s to buy houses; with workers' wages and conditions being cut, and less FDI-$s flowing in, where're the $s coming from, to revive the housing market? Also note, that Costello's ½CGT led to a house-price bubble, taking prices up to ~9 times average incomes. That 'market' has topped out; nowhere left to go but down.
Trigger article 4:
America’s Descent Into Poverty
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
August 26, 2012
«The concentration of wealth and power in the US today is far beyond anything my graduate economic professors could image in the 1960s. At four of the world’s best universities that I attended, the opinion was that competition in the free market would prevent great disparities in the distribution of income and wealth. As I was to learn, this belief was based on an ideology, not on reality.
[me: a deliberately confected, erring ideology]
Congress, acting on this erroneous belief in free market perfection, deregulated the US economy in order to create a free market. The immediate consequence was resort to every previous illegal action to monopolize, to commit financial and other fraud, to destroy the productive basis of American consumer incomes, and to redirect income and wealth to the one percent.»
Comment 1: What I said.
Comment 2: Read it all to see how bad things are in US - then recall that *our* politicians (in Aus, as much of 'the West') - are in the US' thrall, and are 'blindly'(?) following with ever-more neoliberalism *erring ideology*, including theft of our property by privatisations, brutally reducing services, and ('user pays') ripping us off with new charges.
Special note on privatisation: Hung off supposed 'government (= public servants') incompetence,' privatisation rips us off by the inadequate sums realised at the point of sale, then rips us off again by loading up the organisations with debt and 'shareholder obligations,' then rips us off a 3rd time by paying the new management obscene 'rewards' (some of the managers being the self-same public servants now on 'lucrative contracts'); all of these rip-offs adding to our, we the people's bills, and reducing both head-counts (= increasing unemployment), and service-levels as a result. Look only to privatised electricity, or fixed-line phones. Instead of doing preventative maintenance, say, they now wait for storms to knock the lines down = breaks in critical services we hardly suffered from before. Charging ever-more for once egalitarianly priced services is clearly not in our, we the people's interests - yet both Lib & Lab continue to do it - Q: Why? A: Because our reps have sold us out, they are *actively assisting* the neoliberal robber-barons.
Comment 3: What used to drive economic-thought were things like "Fair go, ya mug," whereby prosperity would be better shared. Henry Ford saw the 'writing on the wall;' workers needed to be paid enough so they could buy the product. Then, there was liberté, égalité, fraternité and the Enlightenment. All now eclipsed by 'greed is good' (it's not) and 'lean and mean' (mean they certainly are).
Comment 4: The 'race to the bottom' means that jobs went to the lowest bidders (o/s = jobs gone off-shore), and *our* (so-called 'Western') wages and conditions also had to follow the 'spiral down.' That flat/wide TVs etc. fell in price is clear - but see 'housing market' above. Note also, that main 'recreation' = watching Hollywood-movies = a sad waste of life. But 'freedom' = choose your own poison, I suppose.
Fazit: Neoliberalism was a racket from the beginning - but our (bipartisan = un- & anti-democratic) politicians sold it to our ppp-dd'd citizens with misleading rhetoric, transmitted via and *actively assisted* by the MSM+PFBCs. Big trouble if/when the citizens realise how badly they were deceived.
[1] confect
verb [with OBJ.] make (something elaborate or dainty) from various elements: a trifle confected from angelica and piped cream.
ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin confect- ‘put together’, from the verb conficere, from con- ‘together’ + facere ‘make’.
[2] criminal -n. person guilty of a crime. -adj. 1 of, involving, or concerning crime. 2 guilty of crime. 3 Law of or concerning criminal offences (criminal code; criminal lawyer). 4 colloq. scandalous, deplorable. criminality n. criminally adv. [Latin: related to *crime
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
Abbott lies
not just the once
but in his admission too
.. no worries, mate ...
.. known: "All politicians lie!" ...
.. but some much worse'n oftener than others
Thesis/Subtitle: lies[1] are deployed to deceive
Concomitant: IF deceived THEN improperly informed
Corollary: only properly informed votes can give mandate
Full context:
Tony Abbott blames carbon tax for 'uncertainty'
Updated August 22, 2012 20:57:00
«LEIGH SALES: Well let me read you exactly what Marius Kloppers had to say today when he was asked if the decision on Olympic Dam was related to Australian taxes. He said, "The decision is almost wholly associated with in the first instance capital costs." He goes on to say "As you know, the tax environment for this particular project has not changed at all since we started working on it six or seven years ago. The MRRT only covers coal and iron ore, not copper, not gold and not uranium, so the tax situation for this project has not changed."
LEIGH SALES: I'm going on the facts that Marius Kloppers said today when he was directly asked if the decision on Olympic Dam was affected by Australia's tax situation and I'm going on the facts that are outlined in their results statement that they've issued. Have you actually read BHP's statements?
TONY ABBOTT: No, but I've also got again the statement of Jacques Nasser, who says, "While we're still evaluating the impact of the carbon tax, but it just makes it more difficult."»
LEIGH SALES: ... Have you actually read BHP's statements?
Abbott's admission:
Abbott now says he did read BHP briefing document
First posted August 23, 2012 12:02:06
Updated August 23, 2012 13:51:40
«But this morning Mr Abbott said he had read the BHP document "about 3:45pm yesterday afternoon" before going on 7.30.
Asked by a reporter: "Then why did you say on ABC last night that you hadn't?" he replied: "I was responding to something Leigh had said about Marius Kloppers."»
[AusBC/'news' August 23]
Comment: By not giving a 'straight answer,' Abbott only tacitly acknowledges his falsehood (a weak-kneed weasel-tactic), nevertheless, his admission directly contradicts his "No," but by his weasel-response, he only makes it worse = more than doubles his original offence.
The prosecution rests its case, m'lud.
Musing: Normally, there is little difference between Lab & Lib; for example, both are introducing and extending neoliberal rip-offs designed to reduce 'benefits' on the one hand, and to transfer ever more wealth 'upwards' on the other, whilst claiming the 99%+ are compensated by their enabling of 'trickle-down,' say. We can all easily see that the <1% have vastly increased their wealth, while wages and conditions for the 99%+ have comparatively fallen. (Sure. Flat/wide TVs, say, are dropping in price.) Another name for globalisation is 'wage-arbitration;' jobs are shipped to where wage-costs approach some minimum (could be below 'dignified-life' levels), and 'becoming more competitive' means reducing our conditions towards the lowest.
But on these two issues (namely MRRT and CO2 taxes), Lab has a leg-up on Lib.
CO2 article:
Arctic ice cap on course for record melt
Posted August 22, 2012 11:38:57
«United States scientists say the Arctic ice cap is melting at a startlingly rapid rate and may shrink to its smallest-ever level within weeks as the planet's temperatures rise.
Dr Serreze said the extensive melt was in line with the effects of global warming, with the ice being hit by a double whammy of rising temperatures in the atmosphere and warmer oceans.
Several studies have predicted the cap in the summer could melt completely in coming decades.»
[AusBC/'news' August 22]
Comment: No comment, except to say that IF no serious CO2 reduction THEN big trouble.
The MRRT issue is interesting, because Lab is attempting to 'claw-back' (sounds like detested US-speak) - some of Aus' wealth that leaves our land forever, due to the ~83% o/s shareholding in resource rippers-off active in Aus. The actual mechanism of the rip-off is called 'economic rent' aka 'super-profit.' The way it works is this: The cost of digging something up is *vastly* less than the price achieved 'at market.' One might expect the diggers-up (miners) to share this 'bonanza' with the actual resource-owners = us, we the people, but that's not the way the scam works. What Aus gets from the 'mining-boom' is any 'local' part of establishment- and running-costs (mostly wages), some (state) royalties (typically ~5%) and (federal) company tax (~30%) on declared profits after all deductions. What's left over may then be paid as dividends (~83% going o/s), leaving us, we the people with little more than empty holes in the ground. The MRRT is designed to lift Aus' share to somewhere approaching an overall 50% of the bonanza - actually, IMHO, still far too low - but better than a poke in the eye with a burnt stick.
Fazit: Abbott has said that he would do *anything* (except possibly selling his own arse - his own words), to become PM. IF he makes it into govt. THEN he will dismantle both the MRRT and CO2 taxes - i.e. will *not* attempt to save the planet and *not* attempt to 'claw-back' a fairer share of the mining-boom, for us, we the people. Nice. But many polls indicate that he may pull this stunt (= booting Lab out) off. What does that say for the voters?
[1] lie2 -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive. give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
silly, silly
that's 3*silly
.. silly of Assange ...
.. to bed 2(!!?) Swedish sirens ...
.. silly SE (letting him go), and UK (trying to force him back)
Thesis/Subtitle: something for everyone, we like to say
Concomitant: like sex, spies and mass-murdering for spoil
Corollary: some people (i.e. liars) just can't stand the truth
Confected outrage: Like the people saying "Rape is a serious crime!"
While many of the very same people 'approve' of "Shock'n whore" to Iraq, leading to the deaths of *2mio++* innocents (before = Mme Albright's ½mio 'worth it' children, *2 = 1mio hapless dead, then during = Lancet's ~600,000, then since = *2 again.) Before Iraq came Afghanistan (hapless innocents now = still being droned to death), before that defoliated, entire villages 'killed to be saved' Vietnam, since smashed Libya and currently Syrian innocents being slaughtered by CIA-organised psychopathic Al-Qaeda mercenaries, Iran in the US 'kill-list' queue.
Back to the true, sexy-SE reality: The two Swedish birds *invited* Assange right into their own boudoirs; all his x-mases come at twice. *Afterwards*, they tried to boast to each other, then they got 'blue' - because they were two. Somehow, they got to the cops&Co - who chatted Assange, and then:
*the cops&Co let him go*.
Q (to both birds): Why did you (Swedish sex-kittens) complain?
A (in stereo-unison): Because he did it with her too!
Trigger article:
20 August 2012
Australian Government MIA in Assange case
John Hewson
«The situation in relation to Julian Assange is in danger of becoming very silly as diplomatic arteries harden and the situation is left to drift.
The British look silly threatening to "raid" the Ecuadorian Embassy. If Assange should dare stick his nose out, the British Bobbies are waiting outside to arrest him.
The Ecuadorians now stand at odds with their history of locking up journalists by offering Assange diplomatic asylum.»
Comment 1: Ecuador can hold its head up - and, quite possibly, 'move on' - to an improved moral position, with more improvements to follow.
(Disclosure: Don't know much about algeb... err, Ecuador - but hopefully Assange did enough research.)
Comment 2: Both SE and UK qualify as SQSHsO - and you can't get much sillier than that.
Fazit: US claims the right, any where, any time, of taking whatever action it says it 'needs' to, to guarantee it's own 'security.' Not only, but it claims the same for its illegitimate sprog, Israel. Doesn't matter how trivial, how obscure - or how *illegal*. The US and IL both claim to be 'democracies,' but the voters in both are a) lied to, continuously, and b) given no *effective* choice, ever. US is ruled by a two-party oligarchy of tyrants either from, or controlled by, the <1% super-rich, and IL has *no* chance of ever selecting different policies, since Jabotinsky showed the way to permanent war as only way to dispossess the mainly Palestinian ELO/Os = IL squats on improperly acquired = stolen land/property = un-remedied crime-scene.
It is not right, and might does not, cannot make it so - they, be it the US and/or IL *rogue-regimes*, and which one is actually running the whole criminal show (tail/dog), are all intellectual pigmies - force is the resort of those who cannot honestly win an argument - remember kindergarten?
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
who can Assange trust
not too many, and that
is the worst indictment
.. it's ...
.. the ...
.. law!
Thesis/Subtitle/Posit: only just law may earn respect
Concomitant: no taxation without (adequate!) representation
Corollary: no laws, wars or anything - in violation of truth and justice
Musing: IF the US (regime) has dark designs on Assange AND Sweden, say, lets them get their filthy hands on him THEN, in detested US-speak, he may well kiss his arse goodbye. No part of him will remain under his voluntary control and apart from the torture that is now de rigueur in the so-called 'land of the free,' if he's not kept full-time in solitary confinement (torture in itself), he'll share lodgings with some of the dregs of US-society (not quite all 2mio of them), but how many of those he'll be locked up with have homo-tendencies and AIDS? - Say.
End musing.
Aside: At current time of writing it's just gone 19:00 in SE-Aus, and still no relevant new Assange item on AusBC-justin, so I'll just have to use what I've so far found available. But 1st, the current latest item from justin:
Sydney sheik killed in Syria rocket attack
Posted August 21, 2012 18:54:12
«He was a teacher at the Islamic College of Australia at Lakemba and was married with three children.
He was also the brother of sheikh Fedaa Majzoub, the only Australian member of the opposition Syrian National Council.
Keysar Trad, the founder of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, says sheik al-Majzoub was killed in an attack by pro-regime forces on Monday.
"People in the community have confirmed the sad news that... Assad regime soldiers brutally... shelled the pound where this man was ministering to the people's spiritual needs and they killed him," he said.»
Comment 1: This is direct evidence of foreigners flowing into Syria to attack the current legal government.
Comment 2; Note: "Assad regime soldiers brutally... shelled" - typical of the propaganda 'reported' and *actively assisted* by the AusBC.
Comment 3: Some of the worst agitators are ex-pats; they run away to make a new life, then criticise what they left behind. Not only that, but they bring their old animosities with them; recall the Serbs & Croats throwing bombs at each other's embassies in CBR. I suspect here is one such malcontent; now left his wife and family to go off on some 'excellent adventure.'
Comment 4: I predict we will next get a demonstration of crocodile tears, perhaps from Abbott, Gillard or Carr, all three or more, using the occasion to further demonise Assad.
I found this (google translate):
21.08.2012 - 07:06
WikiLeaks founder
Assange extradition from Sweden [not if] at risk of execution
«The Deputy Director for Criminal Affairs and International Cooperation at the Swedish Ministry of Justice, Cecilia Riddselius told the Frankfurter Rundschau: "We will never surrender a person to face the death penalty."»
Comment: I tried to track down the source; I found this:
Sweden can not guarantee that Assange will not be extradited to the USA
Monday, 25 June 2012
«Sweden may request that an extradited person will not get the death penalty, he will not have to be tortured, should not be prosecuted for offences other than those which he was delivered for and not to be charged before a special court. However, Sweden can not guarantee in advance that he will not be extradited, according to Cecilia Riddselius.»
[Scandinavia_today/Scancomark.se Team]
Comment 1; Note: Same source of both quotes.
Comment 2: *No* outright denial, *plus* going into detail, is *tacit* admission that yes, SE would extradite Assange to the US if/when asked.
Comment 3: We now know that rogue-regimes will lie, the filthiest of lies - and why not, when their 'main business' is mass-murdering for spoil (US in Iraq, F+UK/NATO in Libya, now CIA in Syria, illegitimate-entity Israel/Zionists in Palestine for 65+ bloody years). For mass-murdering rogue-regimes, lying is less even than a bagatelle. One suspects that they lie without thinking.
Fazit: Sweden has acted like idiots over the whole thing, as has UK. There is no *serious* case against Assange; he stayed in SE for ages after his 'girl-troubles,' he was interviewed, and then they let him leave, freely. Something changed (political); SE demanded Assange's physical presence, and UK did all it could to help (see how many plods hanging around Ecuador's embassy.) We *know* that SE collaborated in WW2, had secret relationship with NATO for many years, and have already allowed "violations of fundamental human rights." Repeat, Sweden has 'form.'
We also know just how criminal the US-regime can be and often is. The US can 'promise' anything, then say "Ooops! - New/old/any excuse says we have to be unkind to Assange - It's the law!" Under the circumstances, I'd keep on going - to safety, and IF it's Ecuador THEN so be it. Better that the (living) death waiting for him in the US.
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
conspiracy vs. propaganda
Assange embarrasses US
US murders innocents
.. means ...
.. & motive, ...
.. opportunity
Thesis/Subtitle: plus modus operandi and cui bono?
Concomitant: defines a crime investigation
Corollary; verdict: guilty, m'lud!
Please consider:
«(26) He is a master of the art of propaganda. Ludecke writes:
"He has a matchless instinct for taking advantage of every breeze to raise a political whirlwind. No official scandal was so petty that he could not magnify it into high treason; he could ferret out the most deviously [unreadable] corruption in high places and plaster the town with the bad news." (159)
His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.»
Comment 1: The keywords here are "a big lie."
Comment 2: Look too, at the modus operandi description as a whole, starting after "... primary rules were" - and compare to the modi operandi of current 'rogue-regimes.'
Trigger article:
Assange calls for end of 'war on whistleblowers'
Updated August 20, 2012 12:45:49
«WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has broken his silence after spending nearly two months holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Mr Assange called for the release of accused WikiLeaks conspirator Bradley Manning, who is in detention in the United States for releasing thousands of classified diplomatic documents.»
Comment 1: Tut, tut, Aunty; *language*: Your "holed up" could well be Assange taking *justified* refuge from UK/SE/US persecution.
Comment 2: AFAIK, Manning did not conspire with anyone, and certainly not with Assange or WikiLeaks; Manning did have an internet 'chum' - who traitorously dobbed Manning in. The US is persecuting Manning for releasing the video of US helicopter gun-ship's crew laughing as they murdered unarmed civilians, amongst other utterly damning material.
Comment 3: The PFBC AusBC is not the only MSM-entity throwing words like 'conspiracy' around; die Zeit deployed "Weltverschwörungstheoretiker" (= "conspiracy theorists" by google-translate). Given that the "Shock'n whore" invasion of Iraq was illegal (Annan belatedly said so = too bloody late, mate!) - and that B, B & H agreed to that crime in secret, then we know exactly where to look for conspirators.
Comment 4: Almost every AusBC report on Assange mentions sex/rape *allegations*; this article is tagged with "sexual-offences" but a) no charges have ever been laid, b) any sex took place in places Assange was invited to by young, blonde and more than willing Swedish 'counterparties,' c) Assange was interviewed in SE during the month after the alleged events took place and d) was then allowed to leave. The case was then 'politicised,' and an Interpol 'Red Notice' issued against Assange, possibly a 'world first' given that no formal charges have been made.
Comment 5: Some indication of how far SE has 'fallen,' and not merely on the sexual-liberation front, is the 'news' that SE had a relationship with US/NATO which had been largely hidden from the SE-people = voters, see this:
«Sweden's controversial role during World War II is explored, when it had a roaring trade with both the Allies and Axis. It profited enormously during and after the war, having maintained uncomfortably close relations to Nazi Germany. ... The Social Democratic Party ruled the country for most of the 20th century ...
In the 2006 general election a Moderate coalition defeated the Social Democrats; the new government is attempting to make Sweden more competitive and less bureaucratic. ... [author] holds a highly critical view of Sweden's foreign policy, especially under the anti-American Olof Palme who embraced and praised all kinds of dictators and revolutionary movements while having a secret agreement with NATO. During these decades the ruling party held a virtual monopoly on all top positions in the civil service, judiciary and state-run media.»
Comment 1: I long admired Sweden's *image*. Now we find out that the Social Democrats had secret deals with (US)NATO, and the girls - these two, anyway, are far more nightmare than the publicised dream-numbers. I got my image of Sweden largely from the AusBC - so no surprise (now, in retrospect) that it differed from reality. Note "state-run media," then think how 'our' AusBC transmits, also often actively assists, US- and other rogue-regime-favouring propaganda.
Comment 2: Acting 'in secret' is by definition without voter-knowledge/instruction/assent = a crime against democracy = *no* mandate = *no* authority = bring to justice, i.e. gaol (or more apt; tumbrels?)
Now try this:
20 August 2012
Australian Government MIA in Assange case
John Hewson
«... However, Sweden does have a history (PDF) of being complicit in US renditions and there is a reasonable risk that Assange may ultimately be handed over to the Americans; the nation most disturbed and exposed by WikiLeaks.»
Comment 1: What I said; Sweden has 'form.'
Comment 2: Sunshine, so it goes, is a good, perhaps the best, disinfectant. Assange published details of secret, dirty, often murdering-to-steal dealings, mainly perpetrated by the US, but also about UK, Aus & other - lying governments. You choose: Is Assange an enemy of democracy, or one of its greatest heroes?
Fazit: We *know*, thanks, but "No, thanks!" to B, B & H, that regime-leaders lie. We *know*, thanks, but "No, thanks!" to US, UK & Aus and other SQSHsO, that rogue-regimes murder. Would *you* trust your own fate to any of these shitty, lying murdering criminals?
[1] conspiracy n. (pl. -ies) 1 secret plan to commit a crime; plot. 2 conspiring. [Latin: related to *conspire] [POD]
[2] lie2 -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive. give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [ibid.]
guns, bombs
*shit* for brains
.. murdering for spoil ...
.. IF the caps fits ...
.. THEN wear it
Thesis/Subtitle: I agitate for truth and justice
Concomitant: evil *must* be actively opposed
Corollary: starting with the *worst* offenders
[update, 15Aug'12]
Preamble, lemmas:
1. “Though the will of the majority is in all cases to prevail, that will to be rightful must be reasonable; ...the minority possess their equal rights, which equal law must protect, and to violate would be oppression.”
2. “... to dedicate the living to the struggle to ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”
3. “... The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
4. “The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies all this is indispensably necessary."
5. At any crime-scene, we ask the std. Qs: Who had the means, motive, opportunity plus any modus operandi and cui bono?
6. Lies are pre- and post-requisites for crime; proof = criminals *must* lie, if only to avoid self-incrimination.
7; posit: *No* worthwhile project ever requires any 'lie/deception,' any single (non-trivial) lie destroys all credibility; the associated project = sham.
End lemmas.
Preamble, cases (saying one thing, doing another):
1. It's easy to prove that the democracies of US & Israel (as many others in 'the West') are sham; consider "All politicians lie!" - (thanks, but "No, thanks!" to JWHoward), then find any applicable (non-trivial) lie.
1a. Israel's lie is claiming some 'right to exist;' see I/J/Z-plex below. Individual people of course, but the IL-entity itself is based on an un-remedied, Nuremberg-class crime = IL is illegitimate. Further, IL's *continued* crimes are also of the 'against humanity' class. [new:] Also see PPS.
1b. One of the US's lies is to claim some 'high moral ground,' while their true objective is to force their systems onto other countries, partly ideological but mainly economic = to rip resources off (economic rent there-from, also control thereof), by various degrees of persuasion through coercion, then - not if but when - all else fails, by violence, i.e. military conquest, say. See Perkins' "Economic Hit Man."
1c. As if being lied to were not enough, there are more crimes against democracy afoot, specifically to do with Lincoln's "of, by and for the people." The easiest to see is via Bernays' manipulation; that contradicts Jefferson's 'will of the majority;' any such 'democracy' = sham. That the MSM+PFBCs transmit and often *actively assist* the manipulation proves the MSM+PFBCs to be corrupt&venal accessories to crime.
1d. One more; what they say = 'safeguarding the world's oil supply' - say, while what they do = attack oil-owners' countries - as if they were doing us, we the people a favour, or even some 'required' service. This is contradicted in two ways, a) the oil would be pumped & delivered totally without US' intervention anyway, but b) the effects of the mainly US' economic ideology, what I summarise under 'neoliberalism,' is provably *not* in we the people's interest, thus giving the lie to the US' claimed motive = 'helping' us vis-à-vis oil-supply, by attacking Iraq (Libya, now Syria on the way to attacking Iran), say.
2. Following (1) and the modus operandi deployed = murdering violence, both the US & Z regimes are *rogue*. All to be seen, by those who wish to see.
Trigger article 1:
Syria and the Invisible Hand of Foreign Intervention
Eric S. Margolis
August 10, 2012
«Even if the Bashar al-Assad regime manages to hang on in Syria, that country’s economy is being wrecked, its people driven into poverty and neighbors tempted to intervene. Israel just threatened to attack Syria’s modest store of chemical weapons. Turkey is stumbling into the morass, egged on by the Saudis and Gulf Arabs. Russia’s national prestige is increasingly involved in Syria—which is as close to its borders as northern Mexico is to the United States. Iran may yet get involved.
According to Reuters sources, the United States may have worked with Turkish allies to set up a command HQ at Adana, close to its Incirlik airbase in eastern Turkey near the Syrian border. This is where it would make sense for U.S. intelligence to coordinate the flow of arms, communications gear, medical supplies, food and munitions to the Syrian rebels.
Other unverified reports from the Mideast suggest that the U.S. mercenary firm formerly known as Blackwater (it recently changed its name to Academi) is training Syrian rebels in Turkey, moving in veteran mercenaries from Iraq, where there were once fifty thousand U.S.-paid private soldiers, and sending combat units into Syria.»
Comment: Very little to none of the above is openly discussed in the MSM+PFBCs, the main thrust of many 'reports' is to assert Assad bad, 'rebels' good. But we *know* that organisations like NED have been subverting the 'Muslim/Arab' homelands, fomenting trouble wherever 'strategic,' and the CIA&Co run covert operations; secrecy is an implacable enemy of democracy.
Trigger article 2:
Terrorism as an Instrument of US Foreign Policy: UN-Backed Rogue States Plan Syria’s Slaughter
by Felicity Arbuthnot
August 11, 2012
«Veteran Russian politician Yevgeny Primakov is under no illusions:
"Mercenaries and volunteers from other states are fighting (Assad) jointly with" violent internal forces. Most Syria opponents are nonviolent. They want peaceful conflict resolution. Washington has other ideas.
"President Obama has given a direct order to the CIA to support the Syrian opposition."
"That is flagrant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, which does not endanger the United States or anyone else."
"Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding militants. Turkey is giving them active support." So are other regional countries (iv.)»
Comment: This is *not* democracies doing 'good work.'
Argument: What they do and what they say vastly differ; crimes attemptedly 'disguised' behind lies. Worse, their erring (economic) ideologies and utterly pig-headed pursuit of capitalist-accumulation to our, we the people's cost (<1% vs. 99%+), are leading to collectively falling wages and conditions, whilst polluting the planet's ecosphere (i.e. XS-CO2-CCC), possibly terminally.
Fazit: That the US/Zs regimes deploy murdering violence is all the evidence we need to prove that they really do have *shit for brains*.
The BIG question, Q: Why do the great majority, assumed to be overwhelmingly good, honest, people let the US/Zs get away with it?
Update, 15Aug'12; PS some logic of bad words
Lemma[2]: A simple, understandable form of logic is:
IF proposition THEN conclusion; such a statement is said to be 'well-formed' when the conclusion may actually proceed from the proposition, ELSE we may have a 'non sequitur' fallacy - obviously, to be avoided.
End lemma.
Detailed arguments:
Argument 1. IF guns, bombs THEN death and destruction.
Comment 1: This is *not* simplistic but rather extremely serious; a) death and destruction is *all* that guns and bombs etc. can do, *except* b) when waved around as a threat (= coercion) and/or worse, c) used = causing death and destruction, as a substitute for a convincing argument.
Comment 1a: Note that any use of violence implies no supportable intellectual argument = shit for brains, the main theme above.
Comment 1b: The proof is easy:
IF convincing argument THEN no need for guns, bombs etc., QED.
Comment 2: Specifically here, the US threatens the world - sometimes bits of (i.e. Syria, Iran), other times (i.e. MAD) the whole world:
IF you don't do what we order THEN guns and bombs, death and destruction.
Comment 2a: Note that threatening, as actually aggressively attacking, is illegal under international law - as it is under 'normal' common sense.
Comment 3: Specifically here, the Zs threaten the world - sometimes bits of (i.e. Palestine, all neighbours), other times (i.e. Samson) the whole world:
IF anyone attacks IL THEN guns and bombs, death and destruction.
Comment 3a: Note that IL sits on 'improperly alienated' land/property;
IF not purchased in a free and fair, voluntary transaction THEN such land/property = stolen.
Comment 3b: The proof is easy:
IF Zs properly disarmed THEN all Israelis would have to exit Palestine *UNLESS* the un-remedied crime-scene = IL were first to be fixed, see I/J/Z-plex below, and the PPS.
Comment 3c: IF IL illegitimate (I say it is, see proof) THEN a) no right to exist, let alone b) no right to defend *land/property not honestly acquired*.
Comment 4: IMHO, the above is more than necessary and sufficient to prove that the US&Z regimes have shit for brains, but in case of any lingering doubt, please consider the following:
What is it that you *don't* understand about "Thou shalt not kill?" - and don't touch things not yours.
Argument 2. IF democracy disabled THEN no mandate and no legitimacy.
Comment 1: In addition to the Jefferson-Lincoln-Bernays fail above, consider the US, UK, Aus, F & IL regimes, and the Q: What happens when 'sides' change in a two-party system? A: Not much. In the US, UK, Aus & F cases, the wars are continued = bipartisan. In the case of IL, there is no alternative on offer at all (see eternal war below); when the electorate is not offered any viable option, that's un- & anti-democratic = democracy-fail.
Comment 2: The next democracy-fail is when the so-called 'representatives' execute policies *against* the interests of the electorate, here I'm thinking 'neoliberalism' (see above, below.)
Comment 3: Democracy-summary; deceived and/or non-consulted electorates, inadequate choices on representatives and especially policies, representatives who go on to *mis*represent electorates = *total* failure of democracy. We are lucky where free-speech still exists, but that is pretty useless when ignored = almost all the time.
Comment 4: IF no mandate and no legitimacy THEN no valid law. In addition, only just law may earn respect; IF no valid law THEN any/all wars are *illegitimately* ordered; the order-givers should be brought to justice.
Fazit: IF democracy disabled THEN the 'rulers' are tyrannical dictators. Since it appears that many 'representatives' are actually sell-outs, to the highest bidder = <1%, we can term our systems plutocracies. When such plutocracies rampage, murdering to steal, we term the perpetrators psychopaths and the systems kleptocracies. Then see XS-CO2-CCC.
Welcome to our charming, once jewel-like, ex-Enlightened world.
PPS Z-crimes (partial repeat, for completeness):
1. Before Herzl (motive = Zionism), there were few Jews in Palestine. Some Jews were able to buy in, but 'progress' was, to Jews, too slow.
2. After Jabotinsky (modus operandi), a new 'strategy' was adopted: Take Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property *by force* = the concept of eternal war was adopted.
3. Attempted immigration of Jews was continued (more modus operandi), sometimes 'illegally,' since Jews were *not* welcome, neither by the native ELO/Os nor the 'authorities.' Note that immigration = alien invasion, even if by stealth, and when attempted against opposition, is termed aggressive.
4. Exploiting the WW2 holocaust (opportunity), UNGA181 was passed, *proving* UN-corruption, since *no-one* has the right to eject natives from their homes and homelands, improperly dispossessing them on the way.
5. Mme Meir raised $50mio in the US - to buy guns (means).
6. After UNGA181 the Z-alien invaders increased their murderingly-violent attacks on the natives (terminal modus operandi), see Plan Dalet/Deir Yassin massacre - as just *one* example of *many* genocidal, ethnic-cleansing outrages, similar before, during and since (down to the 'current moment').
Comment 1: IMHO, the above is more than necessary and sufficient to prove that the Z-regime is rogue, that the IL-entity is illegitimate and guilty of both Nuremberg-class and other crimes against humanity, that IL squats on stolen land/property and the Z-invaders, their heirs and successors should either a) make an acceptable peace-deal with the ELO/Os = see 'remedy' below, or b) exit Palestine.
Comment 2: That IL is 'allowed' to continue in its criminal ways is an indictment of the whole 'world community.'
Comment 3: That the above Z-story is *not* hammered by the MSM+PFBCs is proof of their perfidy (just one of many) = MSM+PFBCs prove themselves to be corrupt&venal.
[1] lie2 -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive. give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]
[2] lemma
noun (PL. lemmas or lemmata )
1 a subsidiary or intermediate theorem in an argument or proof. [The NEW OXFORD Dictionary OF ENGLISH]
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL is an un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; sole remedy = reparations = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
neoliberalism = 'economic rationalism,' 'supply-side,' (wicked) privatisations, 'small govt.' = minimised to no égalité etc. + globalisation = wage arbitration etc. = <1% rips off 99%+
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
pushing lies at us
.. the truth ...
.. the whole truth ...
.. or nothing like the truth?
Thesis/Subtitle: democratic voters delegate their sovereignty to representatives ...
Concomitant: who implement the will of the majority without disadvantaging minorities ...
Corollary: the above process *cannot work* in the presence of lies
Preamble: It is easy enough to prove that our democracies are not working properly (massive understatement), see the preamble to my "democracy as practiced in 'the West' does not work." Looking at just one failure-mode, consider lies.
Here is an AusBC lie (ibid. "unimaginable *horror* by US"):
«World leaders are worried about a repeat of other massacres in Syria this year, after government troops slaughtered civilians in the towns of Taramseh, Houla, Homs, and Kubeir, among others.»
[AusBC/'news' July 29, 2012 05:31:44]
Comment 1: There is more than enough information available, in the public domain (thnx FAZ), to *totally* contradict the statement "government troops slaughtered civilians in ... Houla." Any departure from the truth is a lie[1], and since the AusBC are supposed 'professionals,' all such lies must be *deliberate*.
Comment 2: *One* lie is enough to destroy *all* credibility. ('One?' - squillions!) Once credibility is gone, *all* statements (here AusBC 'news') fall under suspicion. Ergo, since none of the rest of the AusBC's *allegations* have been proven, all such must be in doubt. They even cynically cover themselves: 'reports ... could not be confirmed.'
Comment 3: Since we, the people need "the truth, the whole truth and *nothing but* the truth," this *outright lie* from the AusBC is a) proof of the AusBC's perfidy, and since the AusBC is a publicly-financed broadcaster (PFBC), is b) proof of the Aus-govt.'s perfidy as well (otherwise the govt. would stop the AusBC from lying to us, eh?) Repeated lies lead to dumbing-down = ppp-dd'd voters = can't think, let alone vote 'straight.'
QED - but there's more = AusBC 'gilding the lily.'
AusBC has taken to repeatedly including photos, here 'Gallery: War in Syria' - consider this google ""A member of the Free Syrian Army takes aim through a hole in a wall as he takes up a defensive position" site:abc.net.au/"
(About 25 results)
Q: What's 'defensive' about aggressively attacking from cover?
The 1st 10 'hits:'
Rebels forced out of strategic Aleppo suburb - ABC News ...
Taking aim - ABC News (earliest mention listed; 19 Jul 2012)
War in Syria - ABC News
Syrians want embassy staff accepted as refugees - ABC News ...
Syrian army declares Damascus retaken as Aleppo pounded - ABC
Syrian rebels accused of public executions - ABC News
UN slams Security Council's Syria failure - ABC News
Annan quits amid Damascus execution claims - ABC News ...
Obama signed deal to support rebels: reports - ABC News
Syrian destiny rests on Aleppo battle: Assad - ABC News
Q: Why do we need to see these photos, over and over, in often unrelated articles?
Then this google "libya sniper site:abc.net.au/"
(About 346 results)
Q: Why do we need to read about this, over and over?
And this google "syria sniper site:abc.net.au/"
(About 1,160 results)
Q: Why do we need to read about this, over and over?
A (to all 3 Qs): 'A lie, if repeated often enough, ...' is the *operating principle* here; “The English (as the US/Zs, also BBC, then 'Aunty'-AusBC = all related) follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”
Note on snipers: Snipers work from cover; by definition one can't see them - unless perhaps, they are 'amateur' snipers. They also use high-power, *high-accuracy* weapons. It means that anyone shot/killed by a sniper was a consciously selected target. Q: How much sense would it make, for Assad-commanded snipers to shoot unarmed civilians = 'killing his own people;' *why* and Cui bono? On the other hand, if malevolent, psychopathic mercenaries, bent on causing trouble *for Assad* could do so by killing innocents then attempting to blame it on Assad, that would work well - just ask the AusBC, for that is *exactly* what the AusBC reports imply.
IMHO, IF snipers active THEN most likely US(F+UK&TR)NATO-sponsored death-squads.
More quotes:
“... about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."”
“... Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. ... the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Me; AND/OR: Demonise the 'enemy.'
“... The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
Note: Consider an "invisible government" - a "manipulated" democracy is 'improper' = sham.
Fazit: No worthwhile project needs an attempted 'lie-disguise'. At an absolute minimum, lies are deployed to deceive; just who needs to be deceived? Worse, lies are pre- and post-requisites to criminality, if only to avoid self-incrimination. Sometimes, it really is simple: IF lie THEN criminal.
PS From NYT "Today's Headlines: Crime Wave Engulfs Syria as Its Cities Reel From War" - oh, goody. The 'rebels,' having been defeated in both Damascus & Aleppo, then come back and start looting; just like the 'good little criminals' that they are.
PPS Those who foment (NED), those who subvert (CIA), those who support invaders (CIA again, psychopathic killers for hire = mercenaries being recruited, transported, trained then smuggled into Syria via Turkey), those who arm insurgents (Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc.) - are *all* guilty of criminality, perhaps more so since they (the whole lot, including pseudo-rebels) are the *attackers*, the root-cause of all the disgusting death and destruction. See photo below.
[1] lie2 —n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. —v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive. give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]
[2] propaganda n. 1 organized propagation of a doctrine by use of publicity, selected information, etc. 2 usu. derog. ideas etc. so propagated. propagandist n. & adj. propagandize v. (also -ise) (-zing or -sing). [Latin: related to *propagate] [ibid.]
[3] improper adj. 1 unseemly; indecent. 2 inaccurate, wrong. improperly adv. [ibid.]
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
I/J/Z-plex; illegitimate IL squats on genocidally ethnically-cleansed = improperly alienated, mainly Palestinian ELO/Os' land/property = IL un-remedied crime-scene and *all* I/J/Z-plex (except any actively opposing) are guilty; reparation = revest where possible, adequate = acceptable recompense where not + *sincere* apology
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
A rebel sniper; *not* with an AK-47; note 'scope & detail - NATO issue, perhaps?
by US
.. by their deeds ...
.. shall you know them ...
.. and by their language too
Thesis/Subtitle: more by what they do, than what they say
Concomitant: not just what they say but how they say it
Corollary: crooked language identifies PRopagandists
1st, the unimaginable *horror*: The walls of our house are made of AAC; it stands for autoclaved aerated concrete. It is a superb insulator (house can be kept cool in summer, warm as toast in winter with low energy bills all 'round), it's a handy building-material too, since it is light (density ~0.5).
BUT: An AK47 bullet would go straight through it, and a rocket-propelled grenade would blow it to bits.
The walls of buildings blown-up in Libya and Syria look to be made of the same sort of material.
AK47s and RPGs seem to be the weapons of choice, for the so-called "lightly armed rebels" (also "UK military advisers to help Libyan rebels" - last year, it's the trend), which can blow up tanks, and we see the damage inflicted on innocent citizens' houses. Any connection, do you think? Now imagine similar inflicted on your house and family. I think it's not really possible to imagine your own family blown to bloody shreds - but that's what the US not just 'supports' but actually does, see "Shock'n whore" in Iraq, what F+UK/NATO did to Libya, what the CIA is helping to do to Syria (thnx NYT, with Iran said to be next target, thnx Wesley Clark.)
Now we read about "nearly two dozen man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS);" Turkey Supplies Syrian Rebels With Air Defense Missiles, "possibly initiated by Turkey, Saudi Arabia or Qatar" - thanks, but "No, thanks!" to external arms suppliers. MANPADS are ideal, of course, for use in heavily populated cities where the rebels like to 'set up shop.'
Trigger article:
Iran offers backing to Syria as regional ally
Updated August 08, 2012 10:37:15
«Iran and Syria have accused Turkey and some Gulf states of arming the Syrian rebels, in collusion with Israel and the United States.»
[AusBC/'news' August 08, 2012 10:37:15]
Comment: Note the language "accused" and the tone "collusion."
«Another rebel commander, Abu Ali, said snipers at the main Saleheddine traffic roundabout were preventing the rebels from bringing in reinforcements and supplies.»
[AusBC/'news' August 08, 2012 10:37:15 ibid.]
Comment 1: As if rebels would try to use main traffic arteries? This phrase exists *only* to accuse govt. forces of deploying snipers - without saying so directly. Recall my "not what but how" above.
Comment 2: Do we really wonder where the rebels' "reinforcements and supplies" come from? Then see photo of *rebel* sniper below. Snipers fire from cover, with highly accurate, high-power weapons, as this rebel photo shows (*not* with an AK47; note 'scope & detail - NATO issue, perhaps?) Contrast to "lightly armed" rebels. Then, recall that the 'Western' MSM+PFBCs report *govt.* forces in both Libya and Syria deploy snipers, who 'kill their own people,' without even bothering to say "allegedly." Q: Just how credible is that? Q2: Why? Q3: Cui bono? Media use such phrases primarily to shock & dismay their target audience - us, we the people.
Comment 3: We *know* that 'Western' govts + MSM + PFBCs lie; recall Houla. Carr kicked Syrian diplomats out, before it was established (thnx, FAZ) that "Rebels Responsible for Houla Massacre" - contrast to following:
Massacre fears as Syrian troops assault Aleppo
Updated July 29, 2012 05:31:44
«World leaders are worried about a repeat of other massacres in Syria this year, after government troops slaughtered civilians in the towns of Taramseh, Houla, Homs, and Kubeir, among others.»
[AusBC/'news' July 29, 2012 05:31:44]
Comment: Looks to me, very much like an *outright*, deliberate lie: "after government troops ... Houla." Note again; blank statement, no 'allegedly,' nevertheless *wrong* and a lie.
General comment: MSM + PFBCs' reports often say their reports 'cannot be confirmed.' It hardly matters, for the damage - to us, we the people, is done, just as effectively if not more so, by cleverly constructed lies, like 'viagra-assisted rape' was reported in Libya.
Fazit: The (corrupt&venal) MSM + PFBCs convict themselves - if/when carefully enough observed. As clear and conscious PRopagandists, they make themselves guilty by the accessory mechanism - of the 'main game' which is 'regime-change' by genocidal methods aka murder for spoil.
PS The war in Syria would probably not even have started, without US subversion and fomenting - and would most likely stop within microsecs of the US command to the aggressive, part mercenary, fully psychopathic rebels: "STOP!"
PPS This says all of the above and more, in a much more accessible way:
War Propaganda and the "Friends of Syria": Construction of a Fictitious Public Consensus
Globalization exposed as self-serving, driven by elitist special interests.
by Tony Cartalucci
July 8, 2012
«NED and Open Society's role in supporting expanded intervention by the West to achieve its long sought after regime change indicates that it is not in fact any sort of "international community" that has engineered and supported the West's agenda in Syria, but the special interests represented by NED and Open Society - namely the corporate-financier interests of the Fortune 500. This same gambit has been used to one degree or another around the globe in an attempt to harness the perceived legitimacy of NGOs, the extensive propaganda network the Western press maintains, and the concepts of "human rights," "democracy," and "freedom" to couch ambitions of neo-imperial global hegemony.
Since it is these special interests that masquerade as the "international community," then indeed the "international community" has failed Syria - since from the beginning it had every intention to mire Syria in sectarian violence, political destabilization, economic ruination, and eventual social and political collapse. Since 2007, this so-called "international community" has been conspiring against world peace, as duly noted in Seymour Hersh's New Yorker article, "The Redirection (2007)." In it, it was clearly stated that the United States, Israel, and their Gulf State proxies, particularly Saudi Arabia, were already building an armed secular extremist front with which to wage violent subversion upon Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.
What we are left with is an overt campaign of military aggression, in direct violation of world peace and any norm of international law, real or contrived.»
Comment 1: You should, as usual, read it all.
Comment 2: Says some 'nice' words about AI, NED&Co and NGOs, a bit indirectly ("corporate-financier interests of the Fortune 500") about the mainly US M/I/C/4a†-plex, globalisation, neo-imperial and other swindles.
Comment 3: Recall that there's nothing élite about crime or criminals.
Comment 4: Surely, the criminals 'running the show' are short a few kangaroos in the top paddock - sooo where are the really clever ones - those who could mount effective countervailing efforts to oppose the US/Z/SQSHsO *regimes* = lying, criminal scum?
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
M/I/C/4a†-plex = military, industrial, Congress (US-speak for parliament), 4 = 4th estate = MSM+PFBCs, 'a' = academia incl. think-tanks, † = the churches.
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
A rebel sniper; *not* with an AK47; note 'scope & detail - NATO issue, perhaps?

it's an anti-world
which is wrong
I'm anti- anti-
.. Newton's Third law ...
.. 2nd law of thermodynamics ...
.. 1st law of all = the truth, whole and only
Thesis/Subtitle: our world has been 'stolen' by psychopathic tyrants
Concomitant: lies[1] = deceit = malevolent intentions and results
Corollary: why are the baddies not being effectively opposed?
Alternatively: where are all the decent people?
Lemma: Silence = imputed acquiescence; one *must* actively oppose evil.
[update, 21:01]
Preamble: My anti-A-bombing piece "year 67AB" included the US cultural-PRopaganda meme 'Superman' and 'peace, justice and the American way' (~310,000 results) but for this piece consider 'Truth, Justice, and the American Way' (~473,000 results). I find it distressing to be continuously confronted by criminality, cloaked in clouds of lies, knowing that this simply cannot be 'the best of all possible worlds.'
Quote: Lincoln@Gettysburg ... to dedicate the living to the struggle to ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".
Comment; Q: Did 'government of, by, for' ever exist = properly function any-where/-when?
1st truth vs. lies; IF lies THEN bad, evil and/or criminal
2nd thermo (entropy tends to max.); unless resisted
3rd Newton; IF evil THEN effectively oppose
Complexity consists of simpler bits
Nothing worthwhile requires lies
Only just law may earn respect
A fair exchange is no robbery
Nothing 'élite' about crime
Murder is the worst
End preamble.
Intermezzo; trigger article:
Syrian PM defects to join 'revolution'
Updated August 07, 2012 10:12:33
«On June 27, gunmen armed with explosives attacked the Al-Ikhbariya offices outside Damascus, killing three journalists and four security guards.
On Saturday, rebel fighters attacked the state television building in Syria's second city, Aleppo.
The same day, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that state television presenter Mohammed al-Saeed had been executed following an abduction claimed by the Al Qaeda-linked Al-Nusra Front.
Posted on a forum featuring the Al Qaeda flag, Al-Nusra's statement showed a photograph of Mr Saeed looking frightened with his back against a wall in an unknown location.
"May this be a lesson to all those who support the regime," it said.»
Comment 1: This is not what a 'peaceful pro-democracy revolution' is supposed to look like; just as in Libya, it quickly turned murderingly violent. Naturally, both 'sides' accuse each other; some honest reporting would help, but we mostly only get the anti-Assad side, simultaneously pro-US(Zs).
Comment 2; prediction: IF the Assad-regime is smashed, THEN this 'defected (ex-)PM' will likely resurface in the US-puppet replacement regime.
Comment 3: 'Good' for the 'rebel-cause;' assistance from an "Al Qaeda-linked" front - domestic or imported?
Comment 4: That the Al Qaeda-linked front executed an innocent non-combatant = front dominated by psychopathy.
Comment 5: We now *know* (thanks, but "No, thanks!" to Ban Ki-moon), that the festering carnage in Syria is a proxy war (i.e. between/sponsored by external forces), we now *know* (thanks to the Chinese), "... these countries, in pursuit of their own geopolitical interests in Syria, are trying to hinder or even undermine the political settlement process." We should all know by now that US(+Zs) and some of 'the West' = SQSHsO are *aggressing*, primarily against the hapless Syrian regime *and* innocent people, and secondarily against Iran, Russia and China. So although nothing much is simple, we can tease apart the various bits to see who is doing what to whom and why - in the face of MSM+PFBCs' 'misleading' reports = deliberate disinformation.
Comment 6; Q: Why can't the carnage be stopped? A: Because the 'baddies' *don't want* to stop it, where baddies = always the aggressors.
Argument; there should be no argument, but one can be made step by step with proof of each step:
1. No person has any more 'indispensable' possession than his/her own life; to lose it prematurely (by accident, say) is already disastrous, but to be deliberately murdered is to have the ultimate calamity imposed by some swine of a perpetrator[4]. Hence, murder is the worst crime.
2. As at any crime-scene, we ask the std. Qs: Means, motive, opportunity + modus operandi & cui bono? A: The US(Zs) have both form *and* (hubristic[2]) intention: Wesley Clark 'leaked' the Pentagon's plans (how we're going to take out seven countries in five years), list includes Syria. Not only that, but the NYT told us that the CIA was active; add that now *known* to be 'on the ground' to the years of undermining, subverting and fomenting by NED, USAID etc. and it's 'an open and shut case, m'lud!'
3. As (2) = accusing the US(Zs) may be a) accepted by some but then b) risibly 'justified' as 'all in a good cause' (possibly by claiming to be bringing 'democratic freedom' via "Shock'n whore," say (like killing a village to save it)), we refer to (1) and ask Q: Who's killing whom, and how many? A: As at Nuremberg, which "contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole," the US/Zs are far ahead in numbers of people murdered for spoil (in Iraq alone, since ~1990, perhaps over 2.5mio dead, due *directly* to US-interference).
Q2: What's different this time, in Syria? A2: Not too much at all, except a) the death-toll is so far lower, and b) the cowardly, murdering US is hiding behind filthy lies and psychopathic proxies.
4. At this point, some people may say: "That's just what US(Zs) do, move on!" - Ahhh.
4a) See lemma above *and* 4b) this is *not* the way things are supposed to be - in the best of all worlds, which is where I for one wish to be. An intellectual pillar of human civilisation is (sadly now mostly *was*) the Enlightenment, typified by 'liberté, égalité, fraternité' and 'government of, by, for' etc..
5. Hypocrisy[3] may be illustrated by 'say one thing, do another.' Both US & Zs claim to be 'democracies,' with the US actively 'forcing' democracy on hapless squillions by its 'interference' = aggressive wars. The Zs unilaterally = un- & anti-democratically *improperly* dispossessed the mostly palestinian ELO/Os using genocidal ethnic-cleansing, it never was nor ever can get worse than that. It can easily be *proven* that most 'Western' and especially US&Z democracies are *sham*; one example is IF the voters are deceived (by lies, say) THEN the voters may *not* make informed voting-choices = no properly functioning democracy.
6. It can also be *proven* that most 'Western' and especially US&Z regimes do not even do their best for their *own* populations, see the bipartisan = un- & anti-democratic imposition of neoliberalism (including globalisation, 'economic rationalism' and such-like), and the wretched 'medicine for profit' systems growing up all over the place like poisonous mushrooms. The results are best seen in the US; sinking incomes and worsening 'health' outcomes across most of the 99%+.
7. "A fair exchange is no robbery" is largely remarked by its absence; keywords/phrases: $s printed by private banks (sucking economies dry, especially at the moment across the EU), 'economic rents,' 'toll-boothing,' privatisations of public, egalitarian utilities. A noteworthy example of 'capital accumulation' gone mad is Apple; truly bizarre mark-ups - admittedly, with a clientele themselves gone gadget-mad, means that Apple quite literally has far more $s than it knows what to do with. This latter problem is widely shared across the <1%.
Summary; altogether, the 'dominant regimes' = US + IL & SQSHsO are:
pro-murdering for spoil
all such are tyrannical, criminal kleptocracies
Repeat: I am anti- such anties, pros and criminals.
To you, dear reader, I wish you a pleasant rest of the day!
Fazit: Who will rid us, of the erring-ideology US/Z scourge?
Update, 21:01; PS Repeat: nothing élite about criminals
By citing a Syrian article, I drew attention to the criminal war-making elements, and the lies they tell (i.e. spruiking 'freedom, democracy!' - as attempted disguise, for their actual aim = murdering for spoil.) Also mentioned are the neoliberalism&Co, economic-rent and private-bank $-creation %-swindles; here's an article on 'where the fat-cat $s go:'
Trigger article 1:
The Ascendancy of a Criminal Financial Elite
The Two Faces of a Police State: Sheltering Tax Evaders, Financial Swindlers and Money Launderers while Policing the Citizens
by Prof. James Petras
August 5, 2012
«... found that the super-wealthy and their families have as much as $32 trillion (USD) of hidden assets in offshore tax havens, representing up to $280 billion in lost income tax revenue! ... Of the $32 trillion in hidden assets, $23 trillion is held by the super-rich of North America and Europe.»
Comment 1: So-called stupendous numbers = stupendous tax-crime. Easy-come; easily hidden - if one can control the political/tax/justice system - as the fat-cats do.
Comment 2: Not only do the fat-cats get rich off the backs of the ever-more oppressed workers, using 'dodgy' methods (massive understatement), they proceed to use further dirty tricks to keep as much of their ill-gotten gains, also avoiding their (proper) social responsibilities. The explanation? Easy-peasy; criminally psychopathic, just as their birds-of-a-feather murder-for-spoil order-givers.
Trigger article 2 (prev. cited):
Against Empire
by Michael Parenti
Chapter 3: Intervention: Whose gain? Whose pain?
«Pollster Louis Harris reported that, during 1982-84 Americans rejected increased military aid for El Salvador and its autocratic military machine by more than 3 to 1. Network surveys found that 80 percent opposed sending troops to that country; 67 percent were against the U.S. mining of Nicaragua's harbors; and 2 to 1 majorities opposed aid to the Nicaraguan contras (the rightwing CIA-supported mercenary army that was waging a brutal war of attrition against Nicaraguan civilians). A 1983 Washington Post/ABC News poll found that, by a 6 to 1 ratio, our citizens opposed any attempt by the United States to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. By more than 2 to 1 the public said the greatest cause of unrest in Central America was not subversion from Cuba, Nicaragua, or the Soviet Union but "poverty and the lack of human rights in the area."»
Comment: The US *people* do not support the US *regimes*'s crimes = more un- & anti-democratic.
The bad example set/forced by the US(Zs) corrupts all others. The SQSHsO capitulate & cooperate - I can't know if from 'self-defence' or own corruption.
The worst is the people (empathy); the people see the criminality and are shocked & dismayed - because the people are mostly honest, hard-working & well-wishing. The crimes of the so-called 'leadership' damage/destroy the people's moral life. Bastard, murdering-to-steal criminals.
[1] lie2 -n. 1 intentionally false statement (tell a lie). 2 something that deceives. -v. (lies, lied, lying) 1 tell a lie or lies. 2 (of a thing) be deceptive. give the lie to show the falsity of (a supposition etc.). [Old English] [POD]
[2] hubris n. arrogant pride or presumption. hubristic adj. [Greek] [ibid.]
[3] hypocrisy n. (pl. -ies) 1 false claim to virtue; insincerity, pretence. 2 instance of this. [Greek, = acting, feigning] [ibid.]
[4] perpetrate  v. (-ting) commit (a crime, blunder, or anything outrageous).  perpetration n. perpetrator n. [Latin perpetro perform][ibid.]
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe
the year 67AB of
the ugly, uglier -
ugliest american
.. no worthwhile project ever ...
.. requires a veil of lies ...
.. let alone a flood
Thesis/Subtitle: we are lied to every day; lies of both commission & omission, via and often *assisted* by the corrupt and venal MSM+PFBCs
Concomitant: the lies are attempts to disguise crimes, worst = murder for spoil
Corollary: the US and illegitimate side-kick IL have been mass-murdering innocents, latest since 6Aug'45 and 27Nov'46 respectively
[update, 18:19]
Preamble: The 4 'basic' crimes are lying, cheating, theft and murder. The 1st, lying is both pre- and post-requisite to crime; how else to avoid self-incrimination? The other 3 involve harming some (usually) innocent victim; the 'ultimate' harm being murder. I make no secret of my 'allergy' to crime and criminals in general, and to the US/Zs in particular.
My 'allergy' to US/Zs is not reflexive but reactive - in the face of 'hard' evidence; I don't expect that to be controversial.
While 'growing up,' I was 'subjected' to US-cultural PRopaganda, i.e. the 'Superman sagas,' say, whereby Superman fought baddies in the name of 'peace, justice and the American way.' In hindsight, it was almost all totally misleading; the *true* 'American way' at its own depraved ultimate is to mass-murder for spoil (definitively proven by the US "Shock'n whore" of Iraq). Ditto for the Zionists of Israel&Co.; the Zs invaded, terrorised, ethnically cleansed using genocidal methods and now squat on land/property improperly alienated from the mostly Palestinian ELO/Os; IL is and remains an un-remedied major crime-scene.
Additionally while 'growing up,' I was 'informed' mostly by the AusBC 'news.' That I was in fact *mis*informed ("When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie" - which I did not find out about until relatively recently (9/11+)), but that misinforming is *proof* of AusBC perfidy.
The year 67AB, where AB is from both A-bomb and abomination[1] 'commemorates' the atomic bombing of Hiroshima = the 1st use of an A-bomb on people; "The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945, ... In both cities, the overwhelming majority of the dead were civilians."
For cold-blooded mass-murderers, lying is a (requisite) snack; end preamble.
Trigger article:
The Hiroshima Lie
by John V. Denson
August 2, 2006
«Also, the opinion of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz was reported to have said in a press conference on September 22, 1945, that "The Admiral took the opportunity of adding his voice to those insisting that Japan had been defeated before the atomic bombing and Russia’s entry into the war." In a subsequent speech at the Washington Monument on October 5, 1945, Admiral Nimitz stated "The Japanese had, in fact, already sued for peace before the atomic age was announced to the world with the destruction of Hiroshima and before the Russian entry into the war." It was learned also that on or about July 20, 1945, General Eisenhower had urged Truman, in a personal visit, not to use the atomic bomb. Eisenhower’s assessment was "It wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing . . . to use the atomic bomb, to kill and terrorize civilians, without even attempting [negotiations], was a double crime."»
Comment: You, dear reader, may believe what you like, that's only natural. But *precisely because* sooo many people tell sooo many lies, we are well advised to pay more attention to what the crims actually do, rather than to whatever it is that they are saying this week.
«The long article became the subject of a front-page article and editorial in The New York Times and in the editorial it was stated "There can be no doubt that the president and Mr. Stimson are right when they mention that the bomb caused the Japanese to surrender." Later, in 1959, President Truman specifically endorsed this conclusion, including the idea that it saved the lives of a million American soldiers. This myth has been renewed annually by the news media and various political leaders ever since.»
Comment: Latest with Judith Miller's 'erring' WMD-reporting, the NYT is *known* to propagate lies, in service of its 'ultimate masters' = the US regime, to support that regime's policies of mass-murdering to steal.
Some quotes:
1. “The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies all this is indispensably necessary."
~George Orwell
Comment: "Indispensably necessary" for perpetrators that is, plus their accessories, apologists, lying hasbarahists and PRopagandists, here especially the corrupt&venal MSM+PFBCs.
2. "You Have To Keep Repeating Things To Catapult The Propaganda"
~George W. Bush
Comment: No comment.
3. “Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run.”
~Joseph Goebbels
Comment: Here we see how unfortunately things have developed; the US/PRopaganda and Z/hasbarah is *replete* with lies, my emphasis.
4. "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
~Joseph Goebbels
Comment: Contended; nevertheless IMHO true, my emphasis.
5. “In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others...”
~Mein Kampf
Comment: Non-contended alternative to (4).
6. “Where is there dignity unless there is Honesty?”
~ Cicero
Some references:
1. Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism
Comment: Link may not work, hence via google/cache or google/query.
2. Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
Comment: Consider buying one or both of Blum's books.
Argument: Going back to 'Superman,' one could say: 'It's only a movie!' - but one would be wrong, since the expectations raised are wrong and the reality is 180° opposite = no peace and light but murdering for spoil.
Going back to the A-bombings, one could say: 'It saved US lives!' - but one would be wrong, since the Japanese were already defeated and the regime was expected to expire practically without further action. The US needed *real data* on *live subjects*, and needed to demonstrate their utter depravity to the USSR and all others: "See what we can do *AND DID*!"
Going back to UNGA181, one could say (actually, Zs do say): 'God promised it to us!' - but the Zs are wrong, since *no-one* has any right to dispossess others by illegal force of arms (i.e. Plan Dalet/Deir Yassin and all other such outrages before, during and since), and the UN had no right to 'enable' any such crime. That the crime that is Israel is allowed to persist is *proof* of UN perfidy.
Going forward to the 'current moment,' since 9/11, the US has invaded/smashed Afghanistan and Iraq, F+UK/NATO recently invaded/smashed Libya, and the US+'Western' SQSHsO are instigating, pushing (psychopathic mercenaries in) & supporting (arming the aggressors) a 'proxy war' (thanks, but "No, thanks!" to Ban Ki-moon) primarily (and *grossly* illegally) for 'regime change' against the innocent people of Syria, but secondarily against Iran, Russia and China.
Q: Where and what exactly is 'peace, justice and the American way?'
Fazit: One could ask, nay demand: Who will rid us of the US/Z scourge?
Update, 18:19; PS Following-up on the refs:
1. Basic Statistics for United States Imperialism
«In 1938, the Nazis claimed that they needed to perform a “humanitarian intervention” in the Sudetenland (in the modern Czech Republic) in order to stop “ethnic violence.” Of course, it was Nazi thugs carrying out the “ethnic violence” in the first place, but never mind that small detail.
[me: think Libya]
In 1939, the fascists contrived Operation Canned Goods—a faked attack on a German border patrol, which was allegedly a surprise massacre, carried out by Polish military personnel. Evil Slavic Untermenschen Evildoer Terrorists! Too bad, however, that we now know those corpses in German uniform shown on Nazi TV to be dead Poles, kidnapped and murdered; the German public, though, went insane with jingoism, calling for invasions and genocide.
[me: think Houla]
As we shall see, this is a technique learned by the Nazis from the masters of such things in the US (Hitler credited the development of the “Final Solution” to his study of US treatment of Native Americans), and something that was then perfected by the US after it recovered and reconciled with its mad dog Nazi assets during the Cold War.
[me: no comment]
The overall pattern is using irrelevant, misinterpreted, or completely fabricated events in order to convince all of the clarences (who had nothing to gain from militarism, but who were susceptible to jingoism, racism, ethnocentrism) that... war is a great fucking idea! NB that many of these propaganda hoaxes seem to be more effective now than they were when first produced. Also NB, these are the times that the state was forced, for whatever reasons, to consult with the public - either Congress or the people. Most US crimes are committed without recourse to either, or with only a general, vague acknowledgement: “Oh, that CIA is just protecting Freedom from Evil! We can’t tell you what they’re doing specifically, because that would compromise them to the Forces of Darkness!”»
Comment: Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose; the WW2 evil didn't end, it merely swappied 'sides.'
2. Referred to by Blum article:
Against Empire
by Michael Parenti
Chapter 3: Intervention: Whose gain? Whose pain?
«Preserving Politico-Economic Domination and the International Capital Accumulation System.
Specific investments are not the only imperialist concern. There is the overall commitment to safeguarding the global class system, keeping the world's land, labor, natural resources, and markets accessible to transnational investors. More important than particular holdings is the whole process of investment and profit. To defend that process the imperialist state thwarts and crushes those popular movements that attempt any kind of redistributive politics, sending a message to them and others that if they try to better themselves by infringing upon the prerogatives of corporate capital, they will pay a severe price.»
Comment 1: Only Ch3 and looong - but well worth the time, my emphasis.
Comment 2; note: "the imperialist state thwarts and crushes those popular movements that attempt any kind of redistributive politics ..."
Comment 3: In a nutshell; don't dare try to improve the lot of your people, or the US will smash you, and your country as well; proof = see all recent US-targets. Repeat: Who will rid us of this scourge?
[1] abominate v. (-ting) detest, loathe. abomination n. [Latin: related to *abominable] [POD]
ELO/Os = hapless erstwhile legal owner/occupiers
MSM = mainstream media (print and broadcast), aka 'corrupt&venal'
PFBCs = publicly-financed broadcasters, like the AusBC
ppp-dd'd = pushed propaganda paradigm dumbed-down
PRopaganda = PR + propaganda, usual qualifier: 'lying'
SQSHsO = snivelling quisling sycophantic hangers-on
US-MMH = Media (aka press, radio + TV), Madison Ave., Hollywood
US&/Zs = the US of A and/or Zionists; sometimes indistinguishable
XS-CO2-CCC = excess CO2 climate-change catastrophe